When used in this part unless otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof:
Person means any individual, partnership, association, business trust, corporation, or any organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not.
Program means the Meat and Poultry Inspection Program of the Food Safety and Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Circuit supervisor means an inspector of the Program assigned to supervise and perform official work at a circuit. Such inspector is assigned by and reports directly to the Administrator or other person designated by him.
Inspector means an inspector of the Program.
Inspected plant means any plant preparing certified products for dogs, cats, or other carnivora at which inspection is maintained under the regulations contained in this part.
Circuit means one or more inspected plants assigned to a circuit supervisor.
Animal protein supplement means a product containing animal protein and other elements normal to the component for use in compounding a maintenance food for dogs, cats, and other carnivora.
Products means the products for dogs, cats, and other carnivora marked, or to be marked, with the certification provided in this part.
Meat means the U.S. inspected and passed and so identified clean, wholesome muscle tissue of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats which is skeletal or which is found in the tongue, in the diaphragm, in the heart, or in the esophagus with or without the accompanying and overlying fat and the portions of skin, sinews, nerves, and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissue and which are not separated from it in the process of dressing. It does not include the muscle found in the lips, snout, or ears.
Animal food meat by-product means the part other than meat which has been derived from one or more cattle, sheep, swine or goats that have been U.S. Inspected and Passed and is fit for use as animal food.
Horse meat means the U.S. inspected and passed and so identified clean, wholesome muscle tissue of horses which is skeletal or which is found in the tongue, in the diaphragm, in the heart, or in the esophagus, with or without the accompanying and overlying fat and the portions of sinews, nerves, and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissue and which are not separated from it in the process of dressing.
Animal food horse meat by-product means the part other than meat which has been derived from one or more horses that have been U.S. Inspected and Passed and is fit for use as animal food.
Mule meat means the clean, sound, healthful, wholesome muscle tissue derived from mules as determined by antemortem and postmortem inspection by an inspector in accordance with § 355.41. It includes muscle tissue which is found in the tongue, in the diaphragm, in the heart or in the esophagus, with or without the accompanying and overlying fat and the portions of sinews, nerves, and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissue and which are not separated from it in the process of dressing.
Animal food mule meat by-product means the part other than meat which has been derived from one or more mules that have been handled in accordance with § 355.41 and is fit for use as animal food.
Bone means the U.S. inspected and passed and so identified clean, wholesome bone which has been derived from cattle, sheep, swine, goats or horses, or bone derived from mules slaughtered and passed under Program inspection in accordance with § 355.41.
Poultry means any domesticated bird slaughtered in accordance with the Poultry Products Inspection Act, Public Law 85-172, 85th Congress, S. 1747, dated August 28, 1957 (21 U.S.C. 451 et seq.).
Poultry product means any edible part of fresh poultry which have been slaughtered for human food and from which the blood, feathers, feet, head and viscera have been removed in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture.
(r) Administrator.
The Administrator of the Food Safety and Inspection Service or any officer or employee of the Department to whom authority has heretofore been delegated or may hereafter be delegated to act in his stead.
Whale meat means the muscle tissue of whales which is fit for use in animal food.
Fish means the whole or part of any aquatic, water breathing vertebrates, commonly designated as fish, which is fit for use in animal food.
Animal food poultry byproduct means any portion of carcasses of poultry slaughtered under inspection and passed in accordance with the Poultry Products Inspection Act which is fit for use in animal food.
Code of Federal Regulations
[23 FR 10107, Dec. 23, 1958, as amended at 25 FR 1356, Feb. 1960; 29 FR 18418, Dec. 25, 1964. Redesignated and amended at 30 FR 4195, Mar. 31, 1965; 32 FR 13115, Sept. 15, 1967; 33 FR 6707, May 2, 1968]