Factor | Injury | Damage | Serious damage | Very serious damage |
Ammoniation | Not occurring as light speck type | Scars are cracked or dark and aggregating more than a circle 3/4 inch in diameter or light colored and aggregating more than a circle 11/4 inches in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface. | |
Buckskin | Aggregating more than a circle 1 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange. | Aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface | Aggregating more than 50 percent of the surface. | |
Caked melanose | Aggregating more than a circle 3/4 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface. | ||
Creasing | Materially weakens the skin, or extends over more than one-third of the surface | Seriously weakens the skin, or extends over more than one-half of the surface | Very seriously weakens the skin, or is distributed over practically the entire surface. | |
Dryness or mushy condition | Affecting all segments more than 1/4 inch at stem end, or the equivalent of this amount, by volume, when occurring in other portions of the fruit | Affecting all segments more than 1/2 inch at stem end, or the equivalent of this amount, by volume, when occurring in other portions of the fruit | Affecting all segments more than 3/4 inch at stem end, or the equivalent of this amount, by volume, when occurring in other portions of the fruit. | |
Green spots or oil spots | More than slightly affecting appearance | Aggregating more than a circle 7/8 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than a circle 11/4 inches in diameter on a 200 size orange | |
Hail | Not well healed, or aggregating more than a circle 1/4 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Not well healed, or aggregating more than a circle 3/8 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Not well healed, or aggregating more than a circle 1/2 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Not well healed, or aggregating more than a circle 3/4 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange. |
Scab | Materially detracts from the shape or texture, or aggregating more than a circle 5/8 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Seriously detracts from the shape or texture, or aggregating more than a circle 3/4 inch in diameter on a 200 orange | Aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface. | |
Scale | More than a few adjacent to the “button” at the stem end, or more than 6 scattered on other portions of the fruit | Aggregating more than a circle 5/8 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than a circle 3/4 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface. |
Scars | Depressed, not smooth, or detracts from appearance more than the amount of discoloration permitted in the grade | Deep, rough or hard aggregating more than a circle 1/4 inch in diameter; slightly rough with slight depth aggregating more than a circle 7/8 inch in diameter; smooth or fairly smooth with slight depth aggregation more than a circle 11/4 inches in diameter. All areas based on a 200 size orange | Deep, rough aggregating more than a circle 1/2 inch in diameter; slightly rough with slight depth aggregating more than a circle 11/4 inches in diameter. All areas based on a 200 size orange | Deep, rough or unsightly that appearance is very seriously affected. |
Skin breakdown | Aggregating more than a circle 1/4 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than a circle 5/8 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface. | |
Sunburn | Skin is flattened, dry, darkened or hard, aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface | Affecting more than 1/3 of the surface, hard, decidedly one-sided, or light brown and aggregating more than a circle 11/4 inches in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than 50 percent of the surface. | |
Code of Federal Regulations
Sprayburn | Hard, or aggregating more than a circle 11/4 inches in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than 25 percent of the surface. | ||
Split, rough or protruding navels | Split is unhealed; navel protrudes beyond general contour; opening is so wide, growth so folded and ridged that it detracts noticeably from appearance | Split is unhealed, or more than 1/4 inch in length, or more than 3 well healed splits, or navel protrudes beyond the general contour, and opening is so wide, folded or ridged that it detracts materially from appearance | Split is unhealed, or more than 1/2 inch in length, or aggregate length of all splits exceed 1 inch, or navel protrudes beyond general contour, and opening is so wide, folded and ridged that it seriously detracts from appearance | Split is unhealed or fruit is seriously weakened. |
Thorn scratches | Not slight, not well healed, or more unsightly than discoloration permitted in the grade | Not well healed, or hard concentrated thorn injury aggregating more than a circle 5/8 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Not well healed, or hard concentrated thorn injury aggregating more than a circle 3/4 inch in diameter on a 200 size orange | Aggregating more than 5 percent of the surface. |