The size of pistachio kernels may be specified in connection with the grade in accordance with one of the following size classifications.
Jumbo Whole Kernels: 80 percent or more by weight shall be whole kernels and not more than 5 percent of the total sample shall pass through a 24/64 inch round hole screen with not more than 1 percent passing through a 16/64 inch round hole screen.
Large Whole Kernels: 80 percent or more, by weight, shall be whole kernels and not more than 2 percent of the total sample shall pass through a 16/64 inch round hole screen.
Large Split Kernels: 75 percent or more, by weight, shall be half kernels split lengthwise and not more than 5 percent of the total sample shall pass through a 16/64 inch round hole screen.
Whole and Broken Kernels: means a mixture of any combination of whole kernels or pieces. The percentage of whole kernels and/or pieces may be specified. Not more than 5 percent of the total sample shall pass through a 5/64 inch round hole screen.
Code of Federal Regulations
[68 FR 50685, Aug. 22, 2003]