51.1217—Standard pack.
Each package shall be packed so that the peaches in the shown face shall be reasonably representative in size, color and quality of the contents of the package.
Peaches packed in U.S. Standard bushel baskets, or half-bushel baskets, shall be ring faced and tightly packed with sufficient bulge to prevent any appreciable movement of the peaches within the packages when lidded.
Peaches packed in standard western boxes shall be reasonably uniform in size and arranged in the packages according to the approved and recognized methods. Each wrapped peach shall be fairly well enclosed by its individual wrapper. All packages shall be well filled and tightly packed but the contents shall not show excessive or unnecessary bruising because of overfilled packages. The number of peaches in the box shall not vary more than 4 from the number indicated on the box.
Peaches packed in other type boxes such as wire-bound boxes and fiber-board boxes may be place packed, or jumble packed faced, and all packs shall be well filled.
Peaches packed in boxes equipped with cell compartments or molded trays shall be of the proper size for the cells or the molds in which they are packed.
Peaches placed in individual paper cups and packed in boxes shall be in cups of the proper size for the peaches.
Peaches packed in loose or volume filled boxes shall be uniform in size and well filled.
In order to allow for variations incident to proper packing, not more than 10 percent of the packages in any lot may not meet these requirements.
“Well filled” means that the peaches packed in loose or volume filled containers are packed within 1 inch of the top of the container.