“U.S. No. 2” consists of oranges which meet the following requirements:
Discoloration: Not more than one-half of the surface, in the aggregate, may be affected by discoloration. (See § 51.1161.)
Reasonably well colored;
Similar varietal characteristics;
Not more than slightly misshapen; and
Not more than slightly rough texture.
Unhealed skin breaks; and
Free from serious damage caused by:
Dirt or other foreign material;
Dryness or mushy condition;
Riciness or woodiness;
Split, rough or protruding navels;
Thorn scratches; and
Internal quality: Lots meeting the internal requirements for “U.S. Grade AA Juice (Double A)” or “U.S. Grade A Juice” may be so specified in connection with the grade. (See §§ 51.1176-51.1179.)