SUBPART 148.04—Special Additional Requirements for Certain Material (§148.04-1 to §148.04-23)
- 148.04-1—Radioactive material, Low Specific Activity (LSA).
- 148.04-9—Fishmeal or scrap, ground or pelletized; fishmeal or scrap, ground and pelletized (mixture).
- 148.04-13—Ferrous metal borings, shavings, turnings, or cuttings (excluding stainless steel).
- 148.04-15—Petroleum coke, uncalcined; petroleum coke, uncalcined and calcined (mixture).
- 148.04-17—Petroleum coke, calcined, at 130 °F or above.
- 148.04-19—Tankage, garbage or rough ammoniate, solid.
- 148.04-20—Sulfur.
- 148.04-21—Coconut meal pellets (also known as copra pellets).
- 148.04-23—Unslaked lime in bulk.