148.04-1—Radioactive material, Low Specific Activity (LSA).
Authorized materials are limited to:
Uranium or thorium ores and physical or chemical concentrates of such ores;
Uranium metal, natural thorium metal and alloys of these metals; and
Material of low radioactive concentration, if the estimated radioactivity concentration dose not exceed 0.001 millicurie per gram and the contribution from Group I material (See title 49 CFR parts 170 to 189, inclusive) does not exceed 1 percent of the total radioactivity.
Each hold used for the transportation of any of these materials must be surveyed with appropriate radiation-detection instruments after the completion of off-loading. Such holds must not again be used for the transportation of any cargo until the radiation dose rate at any accessible surface is less than 0.5 millirem per hour and until there is no significant removable radioactive surface contamination according to 49 CFR 173.443.
Each hold or barge used for transportation of any of these materials must be effectively closed or covered to prevent dispersal of the material during transportation.