60.1535—What compliance schedule must I include in my State plan?
Your State plan must include compliance schedules that require small municipal waste combustion units to achieve final compliance or cease operation as expeditiously as practicable but not later than the earlier of two dates:
Three years after the effective date of State plan approval.
For compliance schedules longer than 1 year after the effective date of State plan approval, State plans must include two items:
Dates for enforceable increments of progress as specified in § 60.1590.
For Class I units (see definition in § 60.1940 ), dioxins/furans stack test results for at least one test conducted during or after 1990. The stack tests must have been conducted according to the procedures specified under § 60.1790.
Class I units that commenced construction after June 26, 1987 must comply with the dioxins/furans and mercury limits specified in tables 2 and 3 of this subpart by the later of two dates:
One year after the effective date of State plan approval.
One year following the issuance of a revised construction or operation permit, if a permit modification is required.