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Title 10 - Energy
SUBPART A—National Environmental Policy Act—Regulations Implementing Section 102(2) (§51.10 to §51.125)
Title 1 - General Provisions
Title 2 - Grants and Agreements
Title 3 - The President
Title 4 - Accounts
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel
Title 6 - Domestic Security
Title 7 - Agriculture
Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality
Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products
Title 10 - Energy
Title 11 - Federal Elections
Title 12 - Banks and Banking
Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance
Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space
Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade
Title 16 - Commercial Practices
Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges
Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources
Title 19 - Customs Duties
Title 20 - Employees' Benefits
Title 21 - Food and Drugs
Title 22 - Foreign Relations
Title 23 - Highways
Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development
Title 25 - Indians
Title 26 - Internal Revenue
Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms
Title 28 - Judicial Administration
Title 29 - Labor
Title 30 - Mineral Resources
Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury
Title 32 - National Defense
Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters
Title 34 - Education
Title 35 - Panama Canal
Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property
Title 37 - Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights
Title 38 - Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief
Title 39 - Postal Service
Title 40 - Protection of Environment
Title 41 - Public Contracts and Property Management
Title 42 - Public Health
Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior
Title 44 - Emergency Management and Assistance
Title 45 - Public Welfare
Title 46 - Shipping
Title 47 - Telecommunication
Title 48 - Federal Acquisition Regulations System
Title 49 - Transportation
Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries
SUBPART A—National Environmental Policy Act—Regulations Implementing Section 102(2) (§51.10 to §51.125)
51.10—Purpose and scope of subpart; application of regulations of Council on Environmental Quality.
51.12—Application of subpart to ongoing environmental work.
51.15—Time schedules.
51.16—Proprietary information.
51.17—Information collection requirements; OMB approval.
51.20—Criteria for and identification of licensing and regulatory actions requiring environmental impact statements.
51.21—Criteria for and identification of licensing and regulatory actions requiring environmental assessments.
51.22—Criterion for categorical exclusion; identification of licensing and regulatory actions eligible for categorical exclusion or otherwise not requiring environmental review.
51.23—Temporary storage of spent fuel after cessation of reactor operation—generic determination of no significant environmental impact.
51.25—Determination to prepare environmental impact statement or environmental assessment; eligibility for categorical exclusion.
51.26—Requirement to publish notice of intent and conduct scoping process.
51.27—Notice of intent.
51.29—Scoping-environmental impact statement and supplement to environmental impact statement.
51.30—Environmental assessment.
51.31—Determinations based on environmental assessment.
51.32—Finding of no significant impact.
51.33—Draft finding of no significant impact; distribution.
51.34—Preparation of finding of no significant impact.
51.35—Requirement to publish finding of no significant impact; limitation on Commission action.
51.40—Consultation with NRC staff.
51.41—Requirement to submit environmental information.
51.100—Timing of Commission action.
51.101—Limitations on actions.
51.102—Requirement to provide a record of decision; preparation.
51.103—Record of decision—general.
51.104—NRC proceeding using public hearings; consideration of environmental impact statement.
51.45—Environmental report.
51.49—Environmental report—limited work authorization.
51.50—Environmental report—construction permit, early site permit, or combined license stage.
51.51—Uranium fuel cycle environmental data—Table S-3.
51.52—Environmental effects of transportation of fuel and waste—Table S-4.
51.53—Postconstruction environmental reports.
51.54—Environmental report—manufacturing license.
51.55—Environmental report—standard design certification.
51.58—Environmental report—number of copies; distribution.
51.60—Environmental report—materials licenses.
51.61—Environmental report—independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) or monitored retrievable storage installation (MRS) license.
51.62—Environmental report—land disposal of radioactive waste licensed under 10 CFR part 61.
51.66—Environmental report—number of copies; distribution.
51.67—Environmental information concerning geologic repositories.
51.68—Environmental report—rulemaking.
51.70—Draft environmental impact statement—general.
51.71—Draft environmental impact statement—contents.
51.72—Supplement to draft environmental impact statement.
51.73—Request for comments on draft environmental impact statement.
51.74—Distribution of draft environmental impact statement and supplement to draft environmental impact statement; news releases.
51.75—Draft environmental impact statement—construction permit, early site permit, or combined licesne.
51.76—Draft environmental impact statement—limited work authorization.
51.77—Distribution of draft environmental impact statement.
51.80—Draft environmental impact statement—materials license.
51.81—Distribution of draft environmental impact statement.
51.85—Draft environmental impact statement—rulemaking.
51.86—Distribution of draft environmental impact statement.
51.88—Proposals for legislation.
51.90—Final environmental impact statement—general.
51.91—Final environmental impact statement—contents.
51.92—Supplement to the final environmental impact statement.
51.93—Distribution of final environmental impact statement and supplement to final environmental impact statement; news releases.
51.94—Requirement to consider final environmental impact statement.
51.95—Postconstruction environmental impact statements.
51.97—Final environmental impact statement—materials license.
51.105—Public hearings in proceedings for issuance of construction permits or early site permits; limited work authorizations.
51.105a—Public hearings in proceedings for issuance of manufacturing licenses.
51.106—Public hearings in proceedings for issuance of operating licenses.
51.107—Public hearings in proceedings for issuance of combined licenses; limited work authorizations.
51.108—Public hearings on Commission findings that inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria of combined licenses are met.
51.109—Public hearings in proceedings for issuance of materials license with respect to a geologic repository.
51.116—Notice of intent.
51.117—Draft environmental impact statement—notice of availability.
51.118—Final environmental impact statement—notice of availability.
51.119—Publication of finding of no significant impact; distribution.
51.120—Availability of environmental documents for public inspection.
51.121—Status of NEPA actions.
51.122—List of interested organizations and groups.
51.123—Charges for environmental documents; distribution to public; distribution to governmental agencies.
51.124—Commission duty to comment.
51.125—Responsible official.