Accidents in Transport |
Radiological effects |
Small 4
Common (nonradiological) causes |
1 fatal injury in 100 reactor years; 1 nonfatal injury in 10 reactor years; $475 property damage per reactor year. |
1 Data supporting this table are given in the Commission's “Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials to and from Nuclear Power Plants,” WASH-1238, December 1972, and Supp. 1 NUREG-75/038 April 1975. Both documents are available for inspection and copying at the Commission's Public Document Room, 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC and may be obtained from National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. WASH-1238 is available from NTIS at a cost of $5.45 (microfiche, $2.25) and NUREG-75/038 is available at a cost of $3.25 (microfiche, $2.25). |
2 The Federal Radiation Council has recommended that the radiation doses from all sources of radiation other than natural background and medical exposures should be limited to 5,000 millirem per year for individuals as a result of occupational exposure and should be limited to 500 millirem per year for individuals in the general population. The dose to individuals due to average natural background radiation is about 130 millirem per year. |
3 Man-rem is an expression for the summation of whole body doses to individuals in a group. Thus, if each member of a population group of 1,000 people were to receive a dose of 0.001 rem (1 millirem), or if 2 people were to receive a dose of 0.5 rem (500 millirem) each, the total man-rem dose in each case would be 1 man-rem. |
4 Athough the environmental risk of radiological effects stemming from transportation accidents is currently incapable of being numerically quantified, the risk remains small regardless of whether it is being appiled to a single reactor or a multireactor site. |