In addition to meeting any other certification or permit requirements of this chapter, the following articles may be imported into the United States from any region not listed in § 94.18(a) only if they are accompanied by a certificate, as described in paragraph (b) of this section:
Processed animal protein, tankage, offal, and tallow other than tallow derivatives, unless, in the opinion of the Administrator, the tallow cannot be used in feed, regardless of the animal species from which the material is derived;
Glands and unprocessed fat tissue derived from ruminants;
Processed fats and oils, and derivatives of processed animal protein, tankage, and offal, regardless of the animal species from which the material is derived;
Derivatives of glands from ruminants; and
Any product containing any of the materials listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this section.
The certificate required by paragraph (a) of this section must be an original official certificate, signed by a full-time, salaried veterinarian of the agency responsible for animal health in the exporting region, that states the following:
The animal species from which the material was derived;
The region in which any facility where the material was processed is located;
That the material was derived only from animals that have never been in any region listed in § 94.18(a) of this chapter, with the regions listed in § 94.18(a) specifically named;
That the material did not originate in, and was never stored in, rendered or processed in, or otherwise associated with a facility in a region listed in § 94.18(a); and
The material was never associated with any of the materials listed in paragraph (a) of this section that have been in a region listed in § 94.18(a).
The certification required by paragraph (a) of this section must clearly correspond to the shipment by means of an invoice number, shipping marks, lot number, or other method of identification.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0183)
Code of Federal Regulations
[66 FR 42601, Aug. 14, 2001]