The following ports which have export inspection facilities which satisfy the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section are hereby designated as ports of embarkation. All animals, except animals being exported by land to Mexico or Canada, shall be exported through said ports or through ports designated in special cases under paragraph (b) of this section:
Los Angeles—airport and ocean port.
Jet Pets, Inc., 9014 Pershing Drive, Plaza del Rey, CA 90291, (213) 823-8901.
Valley Livestock, 14380 South Euclid Avenue, Chino, CA 91710, (909) 597-1756.
San Francisco—airport and ocean port.
Cow Palace, P.O. Box 34206, San Francisco, CA 94134, (415) 469-6000.
Petair, 145 Bel Air Road, P.O. Box 2431, South San Francisco, CA 94080, (415) 877-0200.
Miami—airport and ocean port.
USDA Import-Export Center, 6300 NW. 36th Street, P.O. Box 523054, Miami, FL 33152, (305) 526-2828.
Tampa Port Authority, 2703 E. 7th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33605, (813) 248-1924.
Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport.
Atlanta Equine Complex, 1270 Woolman Place, Atlanta, GA 30354, (404) 767-1700.
Tumbleweed Farm (horses only), 1677 Buckner Road, Mableton, GA 30059, (770) 948-3556.
Southern Cross Ranch (horses only), 1670 Bethany Church Road, Madison, GA 30650, (706) 342-8027.
Honolulu—airport and ocean port.
Hawaii State Quarantine Station, 99-762 Moanalua Road, Aiea, Hawaii 96701, (808) 487-5351.
Chicago—airport only.
C&R Midwest Quarantine Facilities, Ltd., Box 470, Route 31, Dundee, IL 60118, (312) 426-5009.
Knief Quarantine Facility, 11 N 470 Chapman Road, Box 305, Burlington, Illinois 60109, (312) 683-3873.
Greater Cincinnati Airport, Covington; and Standiford Field Airport, Louisville—airport only.
Newton Paddocks (horses only), Barn No. 8, Newton Pike, Lexington, KY 40511, (606) 253-3456.
New Iberia—airport only.
Acadiana Regional Airport, Star R-3, Box 390-H (ARA), New Iberia, LA 70560, (318) 365-7204.
Logan International Airport (miniature swine only), East Boston, Massachusetts 02128, (617) 565-4649.
Minneapolis/St. Paul—airport only.
American Livestock Export Company, 25789 Northfield Blvd., Hampton, MN 55031, (612) 831-3873.
Cannon Export Center, 2870 Rochester Blvd., Cannon Falls, MN 55009, (507) 263-3064.
Kansas City—airport only.
KCI Multipurpose Export Facility, 12600 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64195, (314) 751-4338 (mailing address: P.O. Box 20462, Kansas City, MO 64195-0462).
Elizabeth—ocean port.
Tolleshunt Horse Farm (horses only), 10 Island Road, Box 469, Whitehouse, NJ 08888-0469, (908) 534-7738.
The U.S. Equestrian Team's headquarters (horses only), Pottersville Road, Gladstone, NJ 07934, (908) 234-1251.
Newark International Airport.
Tolleshunt Horse Farm (horses only), 10 Island Road, Box 469, Whitehouse, NJ 08888-0469, (908) 534-7738.
The U.S. Equestrian Team's headquarters (horses only), Pottersville Road, Gladstone, NJ 07934, (908) 234-1251.
Mannington Meadows Farm (horses only), 60 Oechsle Road, Woodstown, NJ 08098, (609) 769-2009.
New York—airport and ocean port.
Tolleshunt Horse Farm (horses only), 10 Island Road, Box 469, Whitehouse, NJ 08888-0469, (908) 534-7738.
The U.S. Equestrian Team's headquarters (horses only), Pottersville Road, Gladstone, NJ 07934, (908) 234-1251.
Vetport, Inc., Bldg. 189, J.F. Kennedy International Airport (Cargo Area), Jamaica, NY 11430, (212) 656-6042.
Dayton International Airport.
Instone Air Services, Inc., (equines only), 1 Emory Plaza, Dayton International Airport, Vandalia, OH 45377, (970) 382-0002.
Wilmington—airport only.
Airborne Express Animal Export Facility, 145 Hunter Drive, Wilmington, OH 96701, (513) 382-5591.
Harrisburg—airport only.
Penn. Holstein Farm Export Inspection Facility, R.D. #1, Middletown, PA 17057, (717) 944-1374.
El Commandante Race Track (Horses Only), P.O. Box 1304, Rio Piedras, PR 00929, (809) 724-6060.
Brownsville—airport, ocean port, and border port.
Texas Department of Agriculture, Livestock Inspection Facility, International Airport, Brownsville, TX 78520, (512) 546-5135.
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.
DFW Quarantine (horses only), 1010 A Chinn Chapel Road, Lewisville, TX 75067, (214) 317-6861.
Del Rio—border port.
Texas Department of Agriculture, Livestock Export Facility, Box 1046, Del Rio, TX 78840, (512) 775-1518.
Eagle Pass—border port.
Texas Department of Agriculture, Livestock Export Facility, Box 1164, Eagle Pass, TX 78852, (512) 773-2359.
Texas Department of Agriculture, Livestock Export Facility, 10800 Socorro Drive, El Paso, TX 79927, (915) 543-7419.
Houston—airport and ocean port.
Texas Department of Agriculture, Livestock Export Facility, Box 60107, AMF, Houston, TX 77205, (713) 443-2447.
Laredo—airport and border port.
El Primero Equine Export Facility (horses only), Route 7, Box 305, Laredo, TX 78041, (512) 723-5436.
Texas Department of Agriculture, Livestock Export Facility, Route 1, Box 67-P, Laredo, TX 78040, (512) 722-6308.
Richmond—airport and ocean port.
American Marketing Services, Inc., 1301 Hermitage Road, Richmond, VA 23220, (804) 359-4433.
Moses Lake—airport only.
Port of Moses Lake, Grant County Airport, Terminal Bldg., Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) 762-5363.
Seattle—airport and ocean port.
Stevedoring Service of America, 3415 11th Avenue SW., Seattle, WA 98134, (800) 422-3505.
Olympia—ocean port.
Port of Olympia Animal Export Facility, 915 Washington Street NE., Olympia, Washington 98507-0827, (206) 586-6150.
Tacoma—airport and ocean port.
Pacific Rim Livestock Quarantine, 17835 Highway 507 SE., Yelm, WA 98507, (206) 458-1762.
In special cases, other ports may be designated as ports of embarkation by the Administrator, with the concurrence of the Director of Customs, when the exporter can show to the satisfaction of the Administrator that the animals to be exported would suffer undue hardship if they are required to be moved to a port of embarkation listed in § 91.14(a). Such ports shall be designated only if the inspection facilities are approved as meeting the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Standards for export inspection facilities.
Inspection facilities located at ports of embarkation designated under paragraph (a) of this section, and inspection facilities designated in special cases under paragraph (b) of this section, shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Materials.
Floors of pens, alleys, and chutes shall be made of impervious materials and finished so as to be skid-resistant. Impervious floors are those constructed of a material that resists the absorption of fluids. Such materials include concrete, asphalt, brick, metal, or other synthetic material that may be cleaned and disinfected. Fences, gates, and other parts of the facility shall be constructed of wood, metal, or other material that will securely restrain the animals in a safe and humane manner. The facility shall have a roof adequate to protect the animals from inclement weather over at least three-fourths of the pens and alleys and over all of the inspection area.
(2) Size.
The facility shall be large enough to accommodate all the animals in a single export shipment at one time. A minimum space twice the rate required per animal in § 91.25(b) shall be provided for each animal. Facilities that inspect horses must have ceilings at least 12 feet high in any areas where horses are inspected.
(3) Inspection implements.
The facility shall have a separate area available for inspection and identification of the animals. Pens and animal restraining devices shall be provided in this area which are sufficient for the inspection and identification of each animal. Pens or yards shall be provided for appropriate segregation, treatment, or both, of animals of questionable health status apart from animals qualified for exportation under this part.
(4) Cleaning and disinfection.
The facility and equipment shall be cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant permitted under § 71.10 of this chapter under the supervision of a Federal inspector prior to entry of each export shipment into the export inspection facility. Personnel tending the animals shall, if they come in contact with animals outside of the facility, be required to change or sanitize their outer clothing and footwear. All facilities must have running water available to wash and disinfect the facilities. On and after March 23, 1995, facilities to be approved must have a drainage system; and, on and after March 23, 1997, every facility approved before March 23, 1995, must have a drainage system. The drainage system must control surface drainage into or from the facility in a manner that prevents any significant risk of livestock diseases being spread into or from the facility.
(5) Feed and water.
An ample supply of running, potable water shall be made available to the animals intended for export, and in cold weather such water shall be kept free of ice. Feed and feeding facilities appropriate for the animals intended for export shall be provided.
(6) Access; approval of arrangements.
Access to all parts of the facility shall be allowed to an inspector at all times, day or night, and the arrangement for handling the animals shall be subject to the approval of the inspector. Approval shall be granted by the inspector if he finds that such arrangements will not permit the dissemination of communicable diseases of livestock to the animals in the export shipment.
(7) Testing and treatment.
Testing and treatment of animals in export inspection facilities shall be performed by an accredited veterinarian under the supervision of an APHIS veterinarian. Tests related to APHIS animal disease programs shall be performed in accordance with the Recommended Brucellosis Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules.
(8) Location.
The arrangement and location of the facilities shall provide for the isolation of all animals in the facility from contact with any other animals. Isolation of separate export shipments in the facility shall be at the discretion of the inspector.
(9) Disposal of animal wastes.
The application for approval of an export inspection facility shall be accompanied by a certification from the authorities having jurisdiction over environmental affairs in the locality of the facility stating that the facility complies with the applicable State and local regulations or ordinances and the requirements, if any, of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, regarding disposal of animal wastes.
(10) Lighting.
The facility shall be equipped with artifical lighting to provide not less than 70 foot candle power in the inspection area and not less than 40 foot candle power in the remainder of the facility.
(11) Office and rest room.
A suitable office and adequate rest room facilities shall be provided at the export inspection facility site for use of the inspectors. The facility must have a working telephone.
(12) Walkways.
Facilities where horses are inspected must have walkways in front of horse stalls wide enough to allow APHIS personnel to safely remove horses from the stalls for inspection, if necessary.
(d) Approval and denial, revocation, or suspension of approval.
Approval of each export inspection facility for designation under paragraph (a) of this section and in special cases under paragraph (b) of this section, shall be obtained from the Administrator. Approval of an export inspection facility under paragraph (a) or (b) will be denied or revoked for failure to meet the standards in paragraph (c) of this section. A written notice at least 60 days prior to the date of any proposed revocation and a written notice of any proposed denial shall be given to the operator of the facility and he will be given an opportunity to present his views thereon. Such notice shall list in detail the deficiencies concerned. Pending a final determination, approval of any facility may be denied or suspended by the Administrator when he has reason to believe that the facility does not meet such standards. Approval of a port of embarkation in connection with the designation of an export inspection facility in a special case shall be limited to the special case for which the designation was made.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0020)
Code of Federal Regulations
[42 FR 28990, June 7, 1977]
Code of Federal Regulations
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 91.14
, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.