A rodeo bull that is test-eligible and that is from a herd not known to be affected may be moved interstate if:
The bull is classified as brucellosis negative based upon an official test conducted less than 365 days before the date of interstate movement: Provided, however, That the official test is not required for a bull that is moved only between Class Free States;
The bull is identified with an official eartag or any other official identification device or method approved by the Administrator;
There is no change of ownership since the date of the last official test;
A certificate accompanies each interstate movement of the bull; and
A permit for entry is issued for each interstate movement of the bull.
A bull that would qualify as a rodeo bull, but that is used for breeding purposes during the 365 days following the date of being tested, may be moved interstate only if the bull meets the requirements for cattle in this subpart.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0047)
Code of Federal Regulations
[56 FR 58639, Nov. 21, 1991, as amended at 67 FR 70310, Nov. 22, 2002; 69 FR 64650, Nov. 8, 2004]