Cattle, except brucellosis reactors and brucellosis exposed cattle, which are moved interstate to a specifically approved stockyard but fail to comply with the requirements of this part for release from the specifically approved stockyard may be moved from the specifically approved stockyard only as follows:
With the concurrence of the State animal health officials of the State of origin and State of destination, directly back to the farm of origin accompanied by a permit; or
Directly to an approved intermediate handling facility and then directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment or directly to an approved intermediate handling facility and then directly to a quarantined feedlot and then directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment if such cattle are “S” branded and accompanied by an “S” brand permit; or
Directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment if such cattle are
“S” branded and accompanied by an “S” brand permit; or
Accompanied by an “S” brand permit and moved in vehicles closed with official seals applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, an accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative.
The official seal numbers must be recorded on the “S” brand permit; or
Directly to a quarantined feedlot if such cattle are “S” branded and accompanied by an “S” brand permit.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0047)
Code of Federal Regulations
[51 FR 32580, Sept. 12, 1986, as amended at 56 FR 54534, Oct. 22, 1991; 56 FR 58638, 58639, Nov. 21, 1991]