590.544—Spray process powder; definitions and requirements.
Definition of product:
Primary powder is that powder which is continuously removed from the primary or main drying chamber while the drying unit is in operation.
Secondary powder is that powder which is continuously and automatically removed from the secondary chamber and/or bag collector chamber while the drying unit is in operation.
Sweep-down powder is that powder which is recovered in the brush-down process from the primary or secondary chamber and conveyors.
Brush bag powder is that powder which is brushed from the collector bags.
Secondary powder shall be continuously discharged and mixed with the primary powder by methods approved by the Administrator.
Edible dried egg products, including edible ingredients which may be added to such dried products, may be dry-blended: Provided, That the blending is done in a room as provided in § 590.548 or in a closed blending system and in accordance with clean, sanitary practices and such procedures as may be prescribed by the Administrator.
Any edible dried egg powder may be reconstituted, repasteurized, and redried when accomplished in a clean, sanitary manner and in accordance with such procedures as may be prescribed by the Administrator.
Edible dried egg powder obtained from the sweep down, screenings, brush bag (except for brush bag powder from albumen driers), and improperly dried or scorched powder shall be reconstituted, repasteurized, and redried.
Approximately the first and last 175 pounds of powder from the main driers for each continuous operation shall be checked for improperly dried or scorched powder.