Persons engaged in the business of transporting, shipping, or receiving any eggs or egg products in commerce, or holding such articles so received, and all egg handlers, including hatcheries, shall maintain records showing, for a period of 2 years, to the extent that they are concerned therewith, the receipt, delivery, sale, movement, and disposition of all eggs and egg products handled by them, and shall, upon the request of an authorized representative of the Secretary, permit him, at reasonable times, to have access to and to copy all such records.
Production records by categories of eggs such as graded eggs, nest-run eggs, dirties, checks, leakers, loss, inedible, etc., bills of sale, inventories, receipts, shipments, shippers, receivers, dates of shipment and receipt, carrier names, etc., as determined by the Administrator, shall be maintained by all egg processing operations, except that, official egg products plants which use all shell eggs received and do not reship any shell eggs need only to maintain records indicating the amount of eggs received, date received, and the name and address of the shipper.
Code of Federal Regulations
[37 FR 6657, Apr. 1, 1972. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 745, Jan. 7, 1982; 63 FR 69971, Dec. 17, 1998]