147.27—Procedures recommended to prevent the spread of disease by artificial insemination of turkeys.
The vehicle transporting the insemination crew should be left as far as practical from the turkey pens.
The personnel of the insemination crew should observe personal cleanliness, including the following sanitary procedures:
Outer clothing should be changed between visits to different premises so that clean clothing is worn upon entering each premises. The used apparel should be kept separate until laundered. This also applies to gloves worn while handling turkeys;
Boots or footwear should be cleaned and disinfected between visits to different premises;
Disposable caps should be provided and discarded after use on each premises.
The use of individual straw or similar technique is highly recommended. Insemination equipment which is to be reused should be cleaned and disinfected before reusing. Equipment used for the convenience of the workers should not be moved from premises to premises.
No obviously diseased flock should be inseminated. If evidence of active disease is noted after insemination is begun, operations should be stopped and the hatchery notified.
Care should be taken during the collection of semen to prevent fecal contamination. If fecal material is present, it should be removed before the semen is collected. Likewise, care should be taken not to introduce fecal material into the oviduct of the hen.