The following procedures are recommended:
In the poultry houses:
Remove all live “escaped” and dead birds from the building. Blow dust from equipment and other exposed surfaces. Empty the residual feed from the feed system and feed pans and remove it from the building. Disassemble feeding equipment and dump and scrape as needed to remove any and all feed cake and residue. Clean up spilled feed around the tank and clean out the tank. Rinse down and wash out the inside of the feed tank to decontaminate the surfaces and allow to dry.
Remove all litter and droppings to an isolated area where there is no opportunity for dissemination of any infectious disease organisms that may be present. Housing where poultry infected with a mycoplasmal disease were kept should remain closed for 7 days before removal of the litter.
Wash down the entire inside surfaces of the building and all the installed equipment such as curtains, ventilation ducts and openings, fans, fan housings and shutters, feeding equipment, watering equipment, etc. Use high pressure and high volume water spray (for example 200 pounds per square inch and 10 gallons per minute or more) to soak into and remove the dirt to decontaminate the building. Scrub the walls, floors, and equipment with a hot soapy water solution. Rinse to remove soap.
Spray with a disinfectant which is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency as germicidal, fungicidal, pseudomonocidal, and tuberculocidal, in accordance with the specifications for use, as shown on the label of such disinfectant.
In the hatchers and hatchery rooms:
Use cleaning agents and sanitizers that are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as germicidal, fungicidal, pseudomonocidal, and tuberculocidal. Use manufacturer's recommended dilution. Remove loose organic debris by sweeping, scraping, vacuuming, brushing, or scrubbing, or by hosing surface with high pressure water (for example 200 pounds per square inch and 10 gallons per minute or more). Remove trays and all controls and fans for separate cleaning. Use hot water (minimum water temperature of 140 °F) for cleaning hatching trays and chick separator equipment. Thoroughly wet the ceiling, walls, and floors with a stream of water, then scrub with a hard bristle brush. Use a cleaner/sanitizer that can penetrate protein and fatty deposits. Allow the chemical to cling to treated surfaces at least 10 minutes before rinsing off. Manually scrub any remaining deposits of organic material until they are removed. Rinse until there is no longer any deposit on the walls, particularly near the fan opening, and apply disinfectant. Use a clean and sanitized squeegee to remove excess water, working down from ceilings to walls to floors and being careful not to recontaminate cleaned areas.
Replace the cleaned fans and controls. Replace the trays, preferably still wet from cleaning, and bring the incubator to normal operating temperature.
The hatcher should be fumigated (see § 147.25) or otherwise disinfected prior to the transfer of the eggs.
If the same machine is used for incubating and hatching, the entire machine should be cleaned after each hatch. A vacuum cleaner should be used to remove dust and down from the egg trays; then the entire machine should be vacuumed, mopped, and fumigated (see § 147.25) or otherwise sanitized.
The egg and chick/poult delivery truck drivers and helpers should use the following good biosecurity practices while picking up eggs or delivering chicks/poults:
Spray truck tires thoroughly with disinfectant before leaving the main road and entering the farm driveway.
Put on sturdy, disposable plastic boots or clean rubber boots before getting out of the truck cab. Put on a clean smock or coveralls and a hairnet before entering the poultry house.
After loading eggs or unloading chicks/poults, remove the dirty smock/coveralls and place into plastic garbage bag before loading in the truck. Be sure to keep clean coveralls separate from dirty ones.
Reenter the cab of the truck and remove boots before placing feet onto floorboards. Remove hairnet and leave with disposable boots on farm.
Sanitize hands using appropriate hand sanitizer.
Return to the hatchery or go to the next farm and repeat the process.
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 23121, Dec. 3, 1971. Redesignated at 44 FR 61586, Oct. 26, 1979, and amended at 49 FR 19806, May 10, 1984; 57 FR 57343, Dec. 4, 1992; 63 FR 3, Jan. 2, 1998; 67 FR 8474, Feb. 25, 2002]