To aid in the maintenance of healthy flocks, the following procedures should be practiced:
Baby poultry should be started in a clean brooder house and maintained in constant isolation from older birds and other animals. Personnel that are in contact with older birds and other animals should take precautions, including disinfection of footwear and change of outer clothing, to prevent the introduction of infection through droppings that may adhere to the shoes, clothing, or hands. (See § 147.24(a).)
Range used for growing young stock should not have been used for poultry the preceding year. Where broods of different ages must be kept on the same farm, there should be complete depopulation of brooder houses and other premises following infection of such premises by any contagious disease.
Poultry houses should be screened and proofed against free-flying birds. An active rodent eradication campaign is an essential part of the general sanitation program. The area adjacent to the poultry house should be kept free from accumulated manure, rubbish, and unnecessary equipment. Dogs, cats, sheep, cattle, horses, and swine should never have access to poultry operations. Visitors should not be admitted to poultry areas, and authorized personnel should take the necessary precautions to prevent the introduction of disease.
Poultry houses and equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to use for a new lot of birds. (See § 147.24(a).) Feed and water containers should be situated where they cannot be contaminated by droppings and should be frequently cleaned and disinfected. Dropping boards or pits should be constructed so birds do not have access to the droppings.
Replacement breeders shall be housed at the proper density consistent with the type of building and locality and which will allow the litter to be maintained in a dry condition. Frequent stirring of the litter may be necessary to reduce excess moisture and prevent surface accumulation of droppings. Slat or wire floors should be constructed so as to permit free passage of droppings and to prevent the birds from coming in contact with the droppings. Nesting areas should be kept clean and, where appropriate, filled with clean nesting material.
When an outbreak of disease occurs in a flock, dead or sick birds should be taken, by private carrier, to a diagnostic laboratory for complete examination. All Salmonella cultures isolated should be typed serologically, and complete records maintained by the laboratory as to types recovered from each flock within an area. Records on isolations and serological types should be made available to Official State Agencies or other animal disease control regulatory agencies in the respective States for followup of foci of infection. Such information is necessary for the development of an effective Salmonella control program.
Introduction of started or mature birds should be avoided to reduce the possible hazard of introducing infectious diseases. If birds are to be introduced, the health status of both the flock and introduced birds should be evaluated.
In rearing broiler or replacement stock, a sound and adequate immunization program should be adopted. Since different geographic areas may require certain specific recommendations, the program recommended by the State experiment station or other State agencies should be followed.
Feed, pelleted by heat process, should be fed to all age groups. Proper feed pelleting procedures can destroy many disease producing organisms contaminating feedstuffs.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0007)
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 23121, Dec. 3, 1971, as amended at 41 FR 14257, Apr. 2, 1976; 41 FR 48726, Nov. 5, 1976. Redesignated at 44 FR 61586, Oct. 26, 1979, and amended at 50 FR 19900, May 13, 1985; 59 FR 12805, Mar. 18, 1994]