Any table-egg producer, raised-for-release upland game bird premises, and raised-for-release waterfowl premises and any commercial upland game bird, commercial waterfowl, meat-type chicken or meat-type turkey slaughter plant, including its affiliated flocks, may participate in the Plan when the producer or plant has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Official State Agency, that its facilities, personnel, and practices are adequate for carrying out the relevant special provisions of this part and has signed an agreement with the Official State Agency to comply with the relevant special provisions of this part.
Each participant shall comply with the Plan throughout the operating year, or until released by the Official State Agency.
A participating slaughter plant shall participate with all of the commercial upland game bird, commercial waterfowl, meat-type chicken and/or meat-type turkey flocks that are processed at the facility, including affiliated flocks. Affiliated flocks must participate through a written agreement with a participating slaughter plant that is approved by the Official State Agency.
Participation in the Plan shall entitle the participant to use the Plan emblem reproduced as follows:
Code of Federal Regulations
[Please see PDF for image:
Participation in the NPIP by commercial table-egg layers will cease after September 26, 2008 unless the majority of the commercial table-egg layer delegates vote to continue the program in accordance with subpart E of part 147 of this chapter at a National Plan Conference.
Code of Federal Regulations
[71 FR 56328, Sept. 26, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 14716, Apr. 1, 2009]