Participating flocks of waterfowl, exhibition poultry, and game birds, and the eggs and baby poultry produced from them shall comply with the applicable general provisions of subpart A of this part and the special provisions of this subpart E.
Started poultry shall lose their identity under Plan terminology when not maintained by Plan participants under the conditions prescribed in § 145.5(a).
Hatching eggs produced by primary breeding flocks shall be fumigated (see § 147.25 of this chapter) or otherwise sanitized.
Subject to the approval of the Service and the Official State Agencies in the importing and exporting States, participating flocks may report poultry sales to importing States by using either VS Form 9-3, “Report of Sales of Hatching Eggs, Chicks, and Poults,” or by using a hatchery invoice form (9-3I) approved by the Official State Agency and the Service to identify poultry sales to clients. If the selling hatchery uses the 9-3I form, the following information must be included on the form:
The form number “9-3I”, printed or stamped on the invoice;
The hatchery name and address;
The date of shipment;
The hatchery invoice number;
The purchaser name and address;
The quantity of products sold;
Identification of the products by bird variety or by NPIP stock code as listed in the NPIP APHIS 91-55-078 appendix; and
The appropriate NPIP illustrative design in § 145.10. One of the designs in § 145.10(b) or (g) must be used. The following information must be provided in or near the NPIP design:
The NPIP State number and NPIP hatchery approval number; and
The NPIP classification for which product is qualified (e.g., U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean).
Any nutritive material provided to baby poultry must be free of the avian pathogens that are officially represented in the Plan disease classifications listed in § 145.10.
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 23112, Dec. 3, 1971. Redesignated at 44 FR 61586, Oct. 26, 1979, and amended at 49 FR 19803, May 10, 1984; 57 FR 57341, Dec. 4, 1992; 61 FR 11521, Mar. 21, 1996; 65 FR 8019, Feb. 17, 2000; 74 FR 14715, Apr. 1, 2009]