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(a) Any person producing or dealing in products may participate in the Plan when he has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Official State Agency, that his facilities, personnel, and practices are adequate for carrying out the applicable provisions of the Plan, and has signed an agreement with the Official State Agency to comply with the general and the applicable specific provisions of the Plan and any regulations of the Official State Agency under § 145.2. Affiliated flockowners may participate without signing an agreement with the Official State Agency.
(b) Each participant shall comply with the Plan throughout the operating year of the Official State Agency, or until released by such Agency.
(c) A participant in any State shall participate with all of his poultry hatching egg supply flocks and hatchery operations within such State. He shall report to the Official State Agency on VS Form 9-2 (formerly NPIP Form 3B) or through other appropriate means each breeding flock before the birds reach 24 weeks of age or, in the case of ostriches, emus, rheas, cassowaries, before the birds reach 20 months of age. This report will include:
(1) Name and address of flockowner;
(2) Flock location and designation;
(3) Type: Primary or Multiplier;
(4) Breed, variety, strain, or trade name of stock;
(5) Source of males;
(6) Source of females;
(7) Number of birds in the flock; and
(8) Intended classification of flock.
(d) No person shall be compelled by the Official State Agency to qualify products for any of the other classifications described in § 145.10 as a condition of qualification for the U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean classification.
(e) Participation in the Plan shall entitle the participant to use the Plan emblem reproduced below:

Code of Federal Regulations

[Please see PDF for image: EC10SE91.000 ]
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0007)

Code of Federal Regulations

[36 FR 23112, Dec. 3, 1971, as amended at 40 FR 1500, Jan. 8, 1975. Redesignated at 44 FR 61586, Oct. 26, 1979 and amended at 48 FR 57473, Dec. 30, 1983; 57 FR 57341, Dec. 4, 1992; 63 FR 40010, July 27, 1998; 65 FR 8016, Feb. 17, 2000]