Anaplasma card test antigen |
2 mL |
$95.00 |
$97.00 |
$99.00 |
$101.00 |
$103.00 |
Anaplasma card test kit without antigen |
Kit |
127.00 |
130.00 |
133.00 |
136.00 |
139.00 |
Anaplasma CF antigen |
2 mL |
46.00 |
46.00 |
46.00 |
47.00 |
47.00 |
Anaplasma stabilate |
4.5 mL |
175.00 |
178.00 |
181.00 |
185.00 |
188.00 |
Avian origin bacterial antiserums |
1 mL |
48.00 |
49.00 |
50.00 |
51.00 |
52.00 |
Bacterial agglutinating antigens other than brucella and salmonella pullorum |
5 mL |
54.00 |
55.00 |
57.00 |
58.00 |
59.00 |
Bacterial conjugates |
1 mL |
96.00 |
99.00 |
101.00 |
103.00 |
105.00 |
Bacterial disease CF antigens, all other |
1 mL |
29.00 |
30.00 |
30.00 |
31.00 |
32.00 |
Bacterial ELISA antigens |
1 mL |
29.00 |
30.00 |
31.00 |
31.00 |
32.00 |
Bacterial or protozoal antiserums, all other |
1 mL |
60.00 |
61.00 |
63.00 |
64.00 |
66.00 |
Bacterial reagent culture 1
Culture |
73.00 |
74.00 |
76.00 |
78.00 |
79.00 |
Bacterial reference culture 2
Culture |
228.00 |
233.00 |
239.00 |
244.00 |
249.00 |
Bacteriophage reference culture |
Culture |
172.00 |
176.00 |
180.00 |
183.00 |
188.00 |
Bovine serum factor |
1 mL |
18.00 |
18.00 |
19.00 |
19.00 |
19.00 |
Brucella abortus CF antigen |
60 mL |
151.00 |
154.00 |
158.00 |
161.00 |
165.00 |
Brucella agglutination antigens, all other |
60 mL |
151.00 |
154.00 |
158.00 |
161.00 |
165.00 |
Brucella buffered plate antigen |
60 mL |
172.00 |
176.00 |
180.00 |
183.00 |
188.00 |
Brucella canis tube antigen |
25 mL |
114.00 |
116.00 |
119.00 |
121.00 |
124.00 |
Brucella card test antigen (packaged) |
Package |
90.00 |
92.00 |
94.00 |
96.00 |
98.00 |
Brucella card test kit without antigen |
Kit |
113.00 |
114.00 |
116.00 |
117.00 |
119.00 |
Brucella cells |
Gram |
19.00 |
19.00 |
19.00 |
20.00 |
20.00 |
Brucella cells, dried |
Pellet |
6.00 |
6.00 |
6.25 |
6.25 |
6.25 |
Brucella ring test antigen |
60 mL |
241.00 |
246.00 |
252.00 |
257.00 |
263.00 |
Brucella rivanol solution |
60 mL |
29.00 |
30.00 |
31.00 |
31.00 |
32.00 |
Dourine CF antigen |
1 mL |
89.00 |
91.00 |
93.00 |
95.00 |
97.00 |
Dourine stabilate |
4.5 mL |
109.00 |
111.00 |
112.00 |
114.00 |
116.00 |
Equine and bovine origin babesia species antiserums |
1 mL |
127.00 |
130.00 |
133.00 |
136.00 |
139.00 |
Code of Federal Regulations
Equine negative control CF antigen |
1 mL |
282.00 |
283.00 |
286.00 |
290.00 |
293.00 |
Flazo-orange |
3 mL |
13.00 |
13.00 |
13.00 |
13.00 |
14.00 |
Glanders CF antigen |
1 mL |
77.00 |
79.00 |
81.00 |
82.00 |
84.00 |
Hemoparasitic disease CF antigens, all other |
1 mL |
541.00 |
553.00 |
565.00 |
577.00 |
590.00 |
Leptospira transport medium |
10 mL |
4.25 |
4.50 |
4.50 |
4.50 |
4.75 |
Monoclonal antibody |
1 mL |
95.00 |
97.00 |
99.00 |
101.00 |
103.00 |
Mycobacterium spp. old tuberculin |
1 mL |
24.00 |
24.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
26.00 |
Mycobacterium spp. PPD |
1 mL |
18.00 |
19.00 |
19.00 |
19.00 |
20.00 |
Mycoplasma hemagglutination antigens |
5 mL |
180.00 |
184.00 |
188.00 |
192.00 |
197.00 |
Negative control serums |
1 mL |
18.00 |
19.00 |
19.00 |
19.00 |
20.00 |
Rabbit origin bacterial antiserum |
1 mL |
52.00 |
53.00 |
54.00 |
55.00 |
56.00 |
Salmonella pullorum microagglutination antigen |
5 mL |
15.00 |
16.00 |
16.00 |
16.00 |
17.00 |
Stabilates, all other |
4.5 mL |
684.00 |
690.00 |
703.00 |
716.00 |
730.00 |
1 A reagent culture is a bacterial culture that has been subcultured one or more times after being tested for purity and identity. It is intended for use as a reagent with a diagnostic test such as the leptospiral agglutination test. |
2 A reference culture is a bacterial culture that has been thoroughly tested for purity and identity. It should be suitable as a master seed for future cultures. |