If at any time it appears that the preparation, sale, barter, exchange, shipment, or importation, as provided in the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act, of any biological product by any person holding a license or permit may be dangerous in the treatment of domestic animals, the Secretary may without hearing notify the licensee or permittee, and pending determination of formal proceedings instituted under part 123 of this subchapter for suspension or revocation of the license or permit insofar as it authorizes the manufacture or importation of the particular product, no person so notified shall thereafter so prepare, sell, barter, exchange, ship, deliver for shipment, or import such product.
If a serial of biological product is found to be unsatisfactory according to applicable Standard Requirements, the Administrator may notify the licensee to stop distribution and sale of the serial.
When notified to stop distribution and sale of a serial or subserial of a veterinary biological product under the provisions of paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, veterinary biologics licensees or permittees shall:
Stop the preparation, distribution, sale, barter, exchange, shipment, or importation of the affected serial(s) or subserial(s) of any veterinary biological product pending further instructions from APHIS.
Immediately, but no later than 2 days, send stop distribution and sale notifications to any wholesalers, jobbers, dealers, foreign consignees, or other persons known to have any such veterinary biological product in their possession, which instruct them to stop the preparation, distribution, sale, barter, exchange, shipment, or importation of any such veterinary biological product. All notifications shall be documented in writing by the licensee or permittee.
Account for the remaining quantity of each serial(s) or subserial(s) of any such veterinary biological product at each location in the distribution channel known to the manufacturer (licensee) or importer (permittee).
When required by the Administrator, submit complete and accurate reports of all notifications concerning stop distribution and sale actions to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service pursuant to § 116.5 of this subchapter.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0318.)
Code of Federal Regulations
[38 FR 23512, Aug. 31, 1973, as amended at 56 FR 66783, Dec. 26, 1991; 72 FR 17798, Apr. 10, 2007]