Whenever the Secretary finds, upon recommendation of the committee or other information, that continuance of certain practices in trade channels would tend to interfere with the achieving of the objectives of this part, he may prohibit handlers from using such practices, for any crop year or portion thereof, in selling raisins in containers exceeding four pounds net weight. The prohibited practices may include:
Any provision within or added to a sales contract, or action or agreement outside such contract, whereby the handler is obligated to reflect declines in market prices of raisins by charging the buyer a subsequent market price in lieu of the sales price specified in the contract.
Any agreement in an undertaking to hold raisins in reserve for possible future delivery to a buyer, or action or agreement outside such undertaking, whereby the handler is obligated to not reflect increases in market prices by charging the buyer a price specified in the agreement.
Prior to any such practices being prohibited in any crop year, the committee shall recommend, for the approval of the Secretary, such rules and procedures and such record keeping requirements as are necessary to administer these prohibitions and obtain compliance therewith.