The Secretary may select the members of the committee and alternates from nominations which may be made in the following manner:
A meeting or meetings of producers shall be held in each district to nominate members and alternates for the committee. The committee shall hold such meetings or cause them to be held prior to June 15 of each year or by such other date as may be approved by the Secretary pursuant to recommendation of the committee.
At each such meeting at least one nominee shall be designated for each position as member and for each position as alternate on the committee.
Nominations for committee members and alternates shall be supplied to the Secretary in such manner and form as he may prescribe, not later than July 15 of each year, or by such other date as may be approved by the Secretary pursuant to recommendation of the committee.
Only producers may participate in designating nominees for members and alternates on the committee. In the event a person is engaged in producing tomatoes in more than one district, such person shall elect the district within which he may participate as aforesaid in designating nominees; and
Regardless of the number of districts in which a person produces tomatoes, each such person is entitled to cast only one vote on behalf of himself, his agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and representatives in designating nominees for committee members and alternates. An eligible voter's privilege of casting only one vote as aforesaid shall be construed to permit a voter to cast one vote for each position to be filled in the respective district in which he elects to vote.
Code of Federal Regulations
[20 FR 7357, Oct. 4, 1955. Redesignated at 26 FR 12751, Dec. 30, 1961, as amended at 33 FR 8586, June 12, 1968]