An alternate member of the committee shall act in the place and stead of a member during the absence of such member and may perform such other duties as assigned. In the event of the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of a member, an alternate shall act for him/her until a successor for such member is selected and has qualified. In the event both a member and alternate member from the same marketing order district are unable to attend a committee meeting, the committee may designate any other alternate member to serve in such member's place and stead at that meeting provided that:
An alternate member representing the major cooperative shall not serve in place of a member representing other than the major cooperative or the public member.
An alternate member representing other than the major cooperative shall not serve in place of a major cooperative member or the public member.
A public alternate member shall not serve in place of any industry member.
Code of Federal Regulations
[69 FR 18808, Apr. 9, 2004]