The determination pursuant to § 929.54 of the quantity of screened cranberries contained in an unscreened lot shall be made in accordance with the following procedure and on the basis of a sample of representative boxes comprising no less than 2 percent of the cranberries in the lot:
The cranberries in the sample are cleaned to remove chaff, and the boxes of cleaned berries are weighed. The weight of the boxes themselves is then deducted to determine the weight of the cleaned berries. The weight of the cleaned berries is divided by the number of boxes in the sample to obtain the net weight of cleaned cranberries per box. The net weight is multiplied by the number of boxes in the lot to obtain the net weight of the berries in the unscreened lot.
The cleaned berries are run through a separator, having a 9/32 inch screen, and with the bounce boards in the lowest position.
The berries from the lower three bounce boards are rerun through the separator.
The berries from the upper four bounce boards are thoroughly mixed and a random cupful (approximately 1 pint) is used to determine, from a count of the sound and unsound berries, the percentage of sound berries in the lot.
Such percentage is adjusted by increasing it by 5 percentage points but not to exceed a total of 100 percent. (This increase makes the sample comparable to lots of screened cranberries, as such lots generally contain an average of 5 percent unsound berries.)
The net weight, as determined in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, of the berries in the unscreened lot, is multiplied by the adjusted percentage to obtain the quantity of screened cranberries in the unscreened lot.
Code of Federal Regulations
[28 FR 11611, Oct. 31, 1963]