Except when loaded directly into railway cars, exempted under § 916.110, or for nectarines mailed directly to consumers in consumer packages, all exposed or outside containers of nectarines marked “CA WELL MAT” or “California Well Matured”, and not less than 75 percent of the total containers on a pallet, shall be plainly stamped, prior to shipment, with a Federal-State Inspection Service lot stamp number, assigned by such Service, showing that such fruit has been USDA inspected in accordance with § 916.55: Provided, That pallets of returnable plastic containers shall have the lot stamp numbers affixed to each pallet with a USDA-approved pallet tag, in addition to the lot stamp numbers and other required information on cards on the individual containers.
Code of Federal Regulations
[72 FR 18853, Apr. 16, 2007]
Code of Federal Regulations
Editorial Note:
After January 1, 1979, “Budget of Expenses and Rate of Assessment” regulations (e.g. sections .200 through .299) and “Handling” regulations (e.g. sections .357 through .399) which are in effect for a year or less, will not be carried in the Code of Federal Regulations. For Federal Register citations affecting these regulations, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.