No handler shall handle any avocados for the fresh market from the production area to any point outside thereof in containers having a capacity of more than 4 pounds of avocados unless the containers meet the requirements specified in this section: Provided, That the containers authorized in this section shall not be used for handling avocados for commercial processing into products pursuant to § 915.55(c). All avocados shall be packed in containers of 33, 31, 24, 12, and 8.5 pounds designated net weights and shall conform to all other applicable requirements of this section:
Containers shall not contain less than 33 pounds net weight of avocados, except that for avocados of unnamed varieties, which are avocados that have not been given varietal names, and for Booth 1, Fuchs, and Trapp varieties, such weight shall be not less than 31 pounds. Not more than 10 percent, by count, of the individual containers in any lot may fail to meet the applicable specified weight. No container in any lot may contain a net weight of avocados exceeding 2 pounds less than the specified net weight; or
Containers shall not contain less than 24 pounds net weight of avocados: Provided, That not to exceed 5 percent, by count, of such containers in any lot may fail to meet such weight requirement. All avocados packed at this designated net weight shall be placed in two layers and the net weight of all avocados in any such container shall not be less than 24 pounds: Provided, That the requirement as to placing avocados in two layers only shall not apply to such container if each of the avocados therein weighs 14 ounces or less; or
Containers shall not contain less than 12 pounds net weight of avocados: Provided, That not to exceed 5 percent, by count, of such containers in any lot may fail to meet such weight requirement. All avocados packed at this designated net weight shall be placed in one layer only and the net weight of all avocados in any such container shall not be less than 12 pounds; or
Containers shall not contain less than 8.5 pounds net weight of avocados: Provided, That not to exceed 5 percent, by count, of such containers in any lot may fail to meet such weight requirement. All avocados packed at this designated net weight shall be placed in one layer only and the net weight of all avocados in any such container shall not be less than 8.5 pounds. Such containers shall be for export shipments only.
Such other types and sizes of containers as may be approved by the Avocado Administrative Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, for testing in connection with a research project conducted by or in cooperation with said committee: Provided, That the handling of each lot of avocados in such test containers shall be subject to prior approval, and under the supervision of, the Avocado Administrative Committee.
The limitations set forth in paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply to master containers for individual packages of avocados: Provided, That the markings or labels, if any, on the individual packages within such master containers do not conflict with the markings or labels on the master container.
No handler shall handle any avocados for the fresh market in 20 bushel plastic field bins to destinations inside the production area.
Avocados handled for the fresh market in containers other than those authorized under § 915.305(a) and shipped to destinations within the production area must be packed in 1-bushel containers.
All containers in which the avocados are packed must be new, and clean in appearance, without marks, stains, or other evidence of previous use.
Code of Federal Regulations
[63 FR 37480, July 13, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 69383, Dec. 13, 1999; 65 FR 15205, Mar. 22, 2000; 70 FR 36470, June 24, 2005; 73 FR 66719, Nov. 12, 2008]