Public member and alternate member candidates shall not represent an agricultural interest, and shall not have a financial interest in, or be associated with the production, processing, financing, or marketing of avocados.
Public member and alternate member candidates should be able to devote sufficient time to attend committee activities regularly and to familiarize themselves with the background and economics of the avocado industry.
The public member and alternate member shall be a resident of the production area.
The public member and alternate member should be nominated by the Avocado Administrative Committee, and shall serve a one-year term which coincides with the term of the producer and handler members of the committee.
Code of Federal Regulations
[44 FR 9370, Feb. 13, 1979]
Code of Federal Regulations
After January 1, 1979, “Budget of Expenses and Rate of Assessment” regulations (e.g. sections .200 through .299) and “Handling” regulations (e.g. sections .310 through .399) which are in effect for a year or less, will not be carried in the Code of Federal Regulations. For Federal Register citations affecting these regulations, see the “List of CFR Sections Affected”, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.