(a) Consent and agreement by applicant.
In submitting a request for official services, the applicant and the owner of the grain consent to the special and general requirements specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. These requirements are essential to carry out the purposes or provisions of the Act.
(b) General requirements—
(1) Access to grain.
Grain on which official services are to be performed shall, except as provided in §§ 800.85, 800.86, 800.98, and 800.99, be made accessible by the applicant for the performance of the requested official service and related monitoring and supervision activities. For the purposes of this section, grain is not “accessible” if it is offered for official services (i) in containers or carriers that are closed and cannot, with reasonable effort, be opened by or for official personnel; (ii) when any portion is located so as to prohibit the securing or a representative sample; or (iii) under conditions prescribed in the instructions as being hazardous to the health or safety of official personnel.
(2) Working space.
When official services are performed at an elevator, adequate and separate space must be provided by the applicant for the performance of the requested service and related monitoring and supervision activities. Space will be “adequate” if it meets the space, location, and safety requirements specified in the instructions.
(3) Notice of changes.
The operator of each facility at which official services are performed must notify the appropriate agency or field office promptly, in full detail, of changes in the grain handling and weighing facilities, equipment, or procedures at the elevator that could or would affect the proper performance of official services.
(4) Loading and unloading conditions.
As applicable, each applicant for official services must provide or arrange for suitable conditions in the (i) loading and unloading areas and the truck and railroad holding areas; (ii) gallery and other grain-conveying areas; (iii) elevator legs, distributor, and spout areas; (iv) pier or dock areas; (v) deck and stowage areas in the carrier; and (vi) equipment used in loading or unloading and handling the grain. Suitable conditions are those which will facilitate accurate inspection and weighing, maintain the quantity and the quality of the grain that is to be officially inspected or weighed, and not be hazardous to the health and safety of official personnel, as prescribed in the instructions.
(5) Timely arrangements.
Requests for official service shall be made in a timely manner; otherwise, official personnel may not be available to provide the requested service. For the purpose of this paragraph, “timely manner” shall mean not later than 2 p.m., local time, of the preceding business day.
(6) Observation of activities.
Each applicant for official services must provide any interested person, or their agent, an opportunity to observe sampling, inspection, weighing, and loading or unloading of grain. Appropriate observation areas shall be mutually defined by the Service and facility operator. The areas shall be safe and shall afford a clear and unobstructed view of the performance of the activity, but shall not permit a close over-the-shoulder type of observation by the interested person.
(7) Payment of bills.
Each applicant, for services under the Act, must pay bills for the services according to §§ 800.70 through 800.73.
(8) Written confirmations.
When requested by the agency or field office, verbal requests for official services shall be confirmed in writing. Each written request shall be signed by the applicant, or the applicant's agent, and shall show or be accompanied by the following information: (i) The identification, quantity, and specific location of the grain; (ii) the name and mailing address of the applicant; (iii) the kind and scope of services desired; and (iv) any other information requested by the agency or field office.
(9) Names and addresses of interested persons.
When requested, each applicant for official services shall show on the application form the name and address of each known interested person.
(10) Surrender of superseded certificates.
When a request for official service results in a certificate being superseded, the superseded certificate must be promptly surrendered.
(11) Recordkeeping and access.
Each applicant for official services must comply with applicable recordkeeping and access-to-facility provisions in §§ 800.25 and 800.26.
(12) Monitoring equipment.
Owners and operators of elevators shall, upon a finding of need by the Administrator, provide equipment necesary for the monitoring by official personnel of grain loading, unloading, handling, sampling, weighing, inspection, and related activities. The finding of need will be based primarily on a consideration of manpower and efficiency.
(c) Special requirements for official Class X and Class Y weighing services—
(1) General.
Weighing services shall be provided only at weighing facilities which have met the conditions, duties, and responsibilities specified in section 7A(f) of the Act and this section of the regulations. Weighing services will be available only in accordance with the requirements of § 800.115. Facilities desiring weighing services should contact the Service in advance to allow the Service time to determine if the facility complies with the provisions of the Act and regulations.
(2) Conditions.
The facility shall provide the following information annually to the Service: (i) The facility owner's name and address; (ii) the facility operator's name and address; (iii) the name of each individual employed by the facility as a weigher and a statement that each individual: (A) Has a technical ability to operate grain weighing equipment and (B) has a reputation for honesty and integrity; (iv) a blueprint or similar drawing of the facility showing the location of: (A) The loading, unloading, and grain handling systems; (B) the scale systems used or to be used in weighing grain; and (C) the bins and other storage areas; (v) the identification of each scale in the facility that is to be used for weighing grain under the Act; (vi) the following information regarding automated data processing systems: (A) Overall system intent, design, and layout; (B) make, model, and technical specifications of all hardware; (C) description of software, language used, and flow charts of all programs, subprograms, routines, and subroutines; and (D) complete operating instructions; and (vii) any other information deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act.
If a facility has, or plans to have, an automated data processing system which is used in conjunction with any portion of the scale system, grain handling system, or the preparing or printing of official weight certificates, the facility shall make available to the Service sufficient documentation to ensure that the system cannot be used deceptively or otherwise provide inaccurate information. The Service or approved scale testing and certification organization shall conduct an onsite review to evaluate the performance and accuracy of each scale that will be used for weighing grain under the Act, and the performance of the grain loading, unloading, and related grain handling equipment and systems.
(3) Duties and responsibilities of weighing facilities requesting official services.
(i) Providing official services.
Upon request, each weighing facility shall permit official weighing services to be performed promptly.
(ii) Supervision.
Each weighing facility shall supervise its employees and shall take action necessary to assure that employees are performing their duties according to the Act, regulations, and instructions and are not performing prohibited functions or are not involved in any action prohibited by the Act, regulations, and instructions.
(iii) Facilities and equipment.
(A) General.
Each weighing facility shall obtain and maintain facilities and equipment which the Service determines are needed for weighing services performed at the facility. Each facility shall operate and shall maintain each scale system and related grain handling system used in weighing according to instructions issued by the manufacturer and by the Service. A scale log book for each approved scale used for official weighing services shall be maintained according to instructions at each weighing facility.
(B) Malfunction of scales.
Scales or scale systems that are operating in other than a correct and approved manner shall not be used for weighing grain under the Act. Before the malfunctioning scale or scale system can be used again for weighing grain under the Act, it shall be repaired and determined to be operating properly by the Service or approved scale testing and certification organization.
(iv) Oral directives.
FGIS oral directives issued to elevator personnel shall be confirmed in writing upon request by elevator management. Whenever practicable, the Service shall issue oral directives through elevator management officials.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0012)
Code of Federal Regulations
(Secs. 8, 9, 10, 13 and 18, Pub. L. 94-582, 90 Stat. 2870, 2875, 2877, 2880, and 2884,
7 U.S.C. 79, 79a, 79b, 84, 87
, and 87e)
Code of Federal Regulations
[49 FR 30915, Aug. 2, 1984, as amended at 49 FR 49587, Dec. 21, 1984; 50 FR 45392, Oct. 31, 1985; 54 FR 5924, Feb. 7, 1989]