The terms defined in part 718 of this chapter shall be applicable to this part and all documents issued in accordance with this part, except as otherwise provided in this section.
The following definitions shall apply to this part:
Agricultural producer means an owner, operator, or tenant of a farm or ranch used to produce for food or fiber, crops (including but not limited to, grain or row crops; seed crops; vegetables or fruits; hay forage or pasture; orchards or vineyards; flowers or bulbs; or field grown ornamentals) or livestock (including but not limited to, dairy or beef cattle; poultry; swine; sheep or goats; fish or other animals raised by aquaculture; other livestock or fowl) for commercial production. Producers of animals raised for recreational uses only are not considered agricultural producers.
Annual agricultural production means production of crops for food or fiber in a commercial operation that occurs on an annual basis under normal conditions.
Applicant means a person or legal entity who has submitted to FSA a request to participate in the ECP or EFRP.
Cost-share payment means the payment made by FSA to assist a program participant under this part to establish practices required to address qualifying damage suffered in connection with a qualifying disaster.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs, FSA, the ECP Program Manager, or designee.
Farmland means land devoted to agricultural production, including land used for aquaculture, or other land as may be determined by the Deputy Administrator.
Natural disaster means wildfires, hurricanes or excessive winds, drought, ice storms or blizzards, floods, or other naturally-occurring resource impacting events as determined by FSA. For EFRP, a natural disaster also includes insect or disease infestations as determined by FSA in consultation with other Federal and State agencies as appropriate.
Code of Federal Regulations
[69 FR 10302, Mar. 4, 2004, as amended at 75 FR 70087, Nov. 17, 2010]