For a cooperative study a governor, or a Federal, State, or local government agency must submit a written request and a Proposal to Study (PTS) through the NRCS State Conservationist to the Chief. Assistance in preparing the proposal may be obtained by contacting the State Conservationist. The State Conservationist sends the request and proposal with comments to the Chief for consideration. The proposal should:
Describe the basin or study area, including a map of the study area;
Explain the need for the study;
Explain the need for USDA participation;
State the responsibility and authority of the requesting agency in the study;
Estimate the extent of participation of other Federal and State agencies;
Discuss views and priorities of affected soil conservation districts regarding the proposed study;
Briefly describe the intended management organization of the study;
Specifically describe the expected results of the study;
Identify primary users of the study results and the manner in which the results will be used;
State the relationship of the study to ongoing and completed river basin studies;
State that procedures for informing clearinghouses and for eliciting public participation will be followed;
Estimate the duration and scope of the study; and
Estimate the study costs by year and agency.