Application for license shall be made on either paper or electronic forms, provided or designated by the Licensing Authority, and shall be submitted in accordance with § 6.36(b). All parts of the application shall be completed. The application, if mailed, shall be postmarked no earlier than September 1 and no later than midnight October 15 of the year preceding that for which license application is made. The application, if submitted electronically, shall be transmitted no earlier than September 1 and no later than midnight October 15 of the year preceding that for which license application is made. The Licensing Authority will not accept incomplete applications or unpostmarked mailed applications.
Where the applicant seeks to establish eligibility on the basis of imports, applications shall include identification of entries (if submitted electronically) or Customs Form 7501 (if submitted by mail), sufficient to establish the applicant as the importer of record of entries required under § 6.23, during the 12-month period ending August 31 prior to the quota year for which license is being sought.
Where the applicant seeks to establish eligibility on the basis of exports, applications shall include:
Census Form 7525 or a copy of the electronic submission of such form, and
The commercial invoice or bill of sale for the quantities and number of export shipments required under § 6.23, during the 12-month period ending August 31 prior to the quota year for which license is being sought.
However, if the applicant is applying on the basis of more than eight shipments, the application, if mailed, shall include:
The required documentary evidence for eight shipments;
A signed certification that the remaining required documents are on file at the applicant's premises; and
If the application is made on the basis of imports, a listing of the entry numbers, dates of entry and volumes on those remaining documents; or
If the application is made on the basis of exports, a listing of the dates of export and volumes on those documents.
An applicant requesting more than one nonhistorical license must rank order these requests by the applicable Additional U.S. Note number. Cheese and cheese products must be ranked separately from dairy articles which are not cheese or cheese products.
Code of Federal Regulations
[61 FR 53007, Oct. 9, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 59763, Oct. 6, 2004]