4287.112—Interest rate adjustments.
(a) Reductions.
The borrower, lender, and holder (if any) may collectively initiate a permanent or temporary reduction in the interest rate of the guaranteed loan at any time during the life of the loan upon written agreement among these parties. The Agency must be notified by the lender, in writing, within 10 calendar days of the change. If any of the guaranteed portion has been purchased by the Agency, then the Agency will affirm or reject interest rate change proposals in writing. The Agency will concur in such interest-rate changes only when it is demonstrated to the Agency that the change is a more viable alternative than initiating or proceeding with liquidation of the loan or continuing with the loan in its present state.
Fixed rates can be changed to variable rates to reduce the borrower's interest rate only when the variable rate has a ceiling which is less than or equal to the original fixed rate.
Variable rates can be changed to a fixed rate which is at or below the current variable rate.
The interest rates, after adjustments, must comply with the requirements for interest rates on new loans as established by § 4279.125 of subpart B of part 4279 of this chapter.
The lender is responsible for the legal documentation of interest-rate changes by an endorsement or any other legally effective amendment to the promissory note; however, no new notes may be issued. Copies of all legal documents must be provided to the Agency.
(b) Increases.
No increases in interest rates will be permitted except the normal fluctuations in approved variable interest rates unless a temporary interest-rate reduction had occurred.