The Loan Note Guarantee will not be issued until the lender, including a CLP lender, certifies to the following:
No major changes have been made in the lender's loan conditions and requirements since the issuance of the Conditional Commitment, unless such changes have been approved by the Agency.
All planned property acquisition has been or will be completed, all development has been or will be substantially completed in accordance with plans and specifications, conforms with applicable Federal, state, and local codes, and costs have not exceeded the amount approved by the lender and the Agency.
Required hazard, flood, liability, worker compensation, and personal life insurance, when required, are in effect.
Truth-in-lending requirements have been met.
All equal credit opportunity requirements have been met.
The loan has been properly closed, and the required security instruments have been obtained or will be obtained on any acquired property that cannot be covered initially under State law.
The borrower has marketable title to the collateral then owned by the borrower, subject to the instrument securing the loan to be guaranteed and to any other exceptions approved in writing by the Agency.
When required, the entire amount of the loan for working capital has been disbursed except in cases where the Agency has approved disbursement over an extended period of time.
When required, personal, partnership, or corporate guarantees have been obtained.
All other requirements of the Conditional Commitment have been met.
Lien priorities are consistent with the requirements of the Conditional Commitment. No claims or liens of laborers, subcontractors, suppliers of machinery and equipment, or other parties have been or will be filed against the collateral and no suits are pending or threatened that would adversely affect the collateral when the security instruments are filed.
The loan proceeds have been or will be disbursed for purposes and in amounts consistent with the Conditional Commitment and Form 4279-1. A copy of the detailed loan settlement of the lender must be attached to support this certification.
There has been neither any material adverse change in the borrower's financial condition nor any other material adverse change in the borrower, for any reason, during the period of time from the Agency's issuance of the Conditional Commitment to issuance of the Loan Note Guarantee regardless of the cause or causes of the change and whether or not the change or causes of the change were within the lender's or borrower's control. The lender must address any assumptions or reservations in the requirement and must address all adverse changes of the borrower, any parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of the borrower, and guarantors.
None of the lender's officers, directors, stockholders, or other owners (except stockholders in an institution that has normal stockshare requirements for participation) has a substantial financial interest in the borrower and neither the borrower nor its officers, directors, stockholders, or other owners has a substantial financial interest in the lender. If the borrower is a member of the board of directors or an officer of a Farm Credit System (FCS) institution that is the lender, the lender will certify that an FCS institution on the next highest level will independently process the loan request and act as the lender's agent in servicing the account.
The Loan Agreement includes all measures identified in the Agency's environmental impact analysis for this proposal (measures with which the borrower must comply) for the purpose of avoiding or reducing adverse environmental impacts of the proposal's construction or operation.