Unless notified by FCIC, three hard copies, or an electronic copy in a format approved by RMA, of the new or revised NRS policy and related materials must be submitted to the Deputy Administrator, Research and Development (or successor), Risk Management Agency, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop 0812, Kansas City, MO 64133-4676, at least 120 days prior to the first sales closing date applicable to the policy.
FCIC will review the NRS policy to determine that it does not materially increase or shift risk to the underlying policy or plan of insurance reinsured by FCIC, reduce or limit the rights of the insured with respect to the underlying policy or plan of insurance, or cause disruption in the marketplace for products reinsured by FCIC.
An NRS policy will be considered to disrupt the marketplace if it adversely affects the sales or administration of reinsured policies, undermines producers' confidence in the Federal crop insurance program, decreases the producer's willingness or ability to use Federally reinsured risk management products, or harms public perception of the Federal crop insurance program.
The applicant, at a minimum, must provide worksheets and examples that establish liability and determine indemnities that demonstrate the performance of the NRS policy under differing scenarios. When the review is complete, FCIC will forward their findings to the applicant.
If the approved insurance provider sells an NRS policy that RMA determines materially increases or shifts risk to the underlying FCIC reinsured policy, reduces or limits the rights of the insured with respect to the underlying policy, or causes disruption in the marketplace for products reinsured by FCIC, reinsurance, A&O subsidy and risk subsidy will be denied on the underlying FCIC reinsured policy for which such NRS policy was sold.
FCIC will respond to the submitter not less than 60 days before the first sales closing date or provide notice why FCIC is unable to respond within the time frame allotted.
Code of Federal Regulations
[70 FR 44242, Aug. 2, 2005]