Any Contractor under the Contract is required to:
Adopt a plan for the purpose of transmitting and receiving electronically, information to and from the Corporation concerning the original executed crop insurance documents;
Maintain an electronic system which must be tested and approved by the Corporation;
Maintain Corporation approval of the electronic system as a condition to the electronic transmission and reception of data by the Contractor;
Utilize the Corporation approved automated data processing and electronic data transmission capabilities to process crop insurance documents as required herein; and
Establish and maintain the electronic equipment and computer software program capability to:
Receive and store actuarial data electronically via telecommunications utilizing 3780 protocol and utilizing a BELL 208B or compatible modem at 4800 bits per second (bps);
Enter and store information from original crop insurance documents into electronic format;
Verify electronically stored information recorded from crop insurance documents with electronically stored actuarial information;
Compute and print the data elements in the Summary of Protection;
Transmit crop insurance data electronically, via 3780 protocol utilizing a BELL 208B or compatible modem at 4800 bps;
Receive electronic acknowledgements, error messages, and other data via 3780 protocol utilizing a BELL 208B or compatible modem at 4800 bps, and relate error messages to original crop insurance documents; and
Store backup data and physical documents.
(The Corporation may approve other compatible specifications if accepted by the Corporation and if requested by the Contractor)