3560.57—Designated places for section 515 housing.
(a) Establish a list of designated places.
The Agency will establish a list of designated places from which loan proposals will be accepted. The list is updated each fiscal year and is available when the NOFA is published. The NOFA provides information on obtaining the list. This list will be developed from a list of rural places which the Agency identifies as having the greatest need for multifamily housing based on the following factors:
Qualification as a rural area as defined in § 3560.11 ,
Lack of mortgage credit, and
Demonstrated need for MFH based on:
The incidence of poverty,
The existence of substandard housing,
The lack of affordable housing, and
The following high need areas:
Places identified in the state Consolidated Plan or similar state plan or needs assessment report,
Indian reservations or communities located within the boundaries of tribal allotted or trust land, and
EZ/EC or REAP communities.
(b) Establishing partnership designated place list.
The Agency, in states with an active leveraging program and formal partnership agreement with the state agency, may establish a partnership designated place list consisting of places identified by the partnership as high need areas based on criteria consistent with the Agency's and the state's authorizing statutes. The partnership agreement and partnership designated place list must have the concurrence of the Administrator.
(c) Administrator's discretion.
The Administrator may add to the list of designated places any place that is determined to have a compelling need for MFH, for example, a place that has had a substantial increase in population not reflected in the most recent census data, or a place that has experienced a loss of affordable housing because of a natural disaster.
(d) Restrictions on loans in certain designated places.
Initial loan applications will not be requested and final loan applications will not be closed for housing proposals in designated places where any of the following conditions exist:
The Agency has selected another MFH proposal in the designated place for processing.
A previously funded Agency, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), low-income housing tax credit or other similar assisted MFH in the designated place has not been completed or has not reached projected occupancy levels.
Existing assisted MFH in the designated place is experiencing high vacancy levels.
A special note rent or other loan servicing tool is pending or in effect for other assisted housing in the designated place, or
The need in the market area is for additional rental assistance and not additional rental units.
When a group home is proposed for persons with disabilities in an area where the existing MFH is insufficient or unavailable for their needs; or
There is a compelling need for additional MFH, for example when the units that have been approved or are under development represent only a small portion of the total units needed in the community.