3430.14—Types of applications; types of award instruments.
(a) Types of applications.
The type of application acceptable may vary by funding opportunity. The RFA will stipulate the type of application that may be submitted to CSREES in response to the funding opportunity. Applicants may submit the following types of applications as specified in the RFA.
(1) New.
An application that is being submitted to the program for the first time.
(2) Resubmission.
This is a project application that has been submitted for consideration under the same program previously but has not been approved for an award under the program. For competitive programs, this type of application is evaluated in competition with other pending applications in the area to which it is assigned. Resubmissions are reviewed according to the same evaluation criteria as new applications. In addition, applicants must respond to the previous panel review summaries, unless waived by CSREES.
(3) Renewal.
An application requesting additional funding for a period subsequent to that provided by a current award. For competitive programs, a renewal application competes with all other applications. Renewal applications must be developed as fully as though the applicant is applying for the first time. Renewal applicants also must have filed a progress report via Current Research Information System (CRIS), unless waived by CSREES.
(4) Continuation.
A noncompeting application for an additional funding/budget period within a previously approved project.
(5) Revision.
An application that proposes a change in the Federal Government's financial obligations or contingent liability from an existing obligation; or, any other change in the terms and conditions of the existing award.
(6) Resubmitted renewal.
This is a project application that has been submitted for consideration under the same program previously. This type of application has also been submitted for renewal under the same program but was not approved. For competitive programs, this type of application is evaluated in competition with other pending applications in the area to which it is assigned. Resubmitted renewal applications are reviewed according to the same evaluation criteria as new applications. Applicants must respond to the previous panel review summaries and file a progress report via CRIS, unless waived by CSREES.
(b) Types of award instruments.
The following is a list of corresponding categories of award instruments issued by CSREES.
(1) Standard.
This is an award instrument by which CSREES agrees to support a specified level of effort for a predetermined project period without the announced intention of providing additional support at a future date.
(2) Renewal.
This is an award instrument by which CSREES agrees to provide additional funding under a standard award as specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section for a project period beyond that approved in an original or amended award, provided that the cumulative period does not exceed any statutory time limitation of the award.
(3) Continuation.
This is an award instrument by which CSREES agrees to support a specified level of effort for a predetermined period of time with a statement of intention to provide additional support at a future date, provided that performance has been satisfactory, appropriations are available for this purpose, and continued support would be in the best interest of the Federal Government and the public.
(4) Supplemental.
This is an award instrument by which CSREES agrees to provide small amounts of additional funding under a standard, renewal, or continuation award as specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section and may involve a short-term (usually six months or less) extension of the project period beyond that approved in an original or amended award, but in no case may the cumulative period of the project, including short term extensions, exceed any statutory time limitation of the award.
(c) Obligation of the Federal Government.
Neither the acceptance of any application nor the award of any project shall commit or obligate the United States in any way to make any renewal, supplemental, continuation, or other award with respect to any approved application or portion of an approved application.