322.2—General requirements for interstate movement and importation.
(a) Interstate movement.
The following regions of the United States are considered pest-free areas for Varroa mite, tracheal mite, small hive beetle, and African honeybee: Hawaii.
In order to prevent the introduction of Varroa mite, tracheal mite, small hive beetle, and African honeybee into the pest-free areas listed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, interstate movement of honeybees into those areas is prohibited.
(b) Importation.
In order to prevent the introduction into the United States of bee diseases and parasites, and undesirable species and subspecies of honeybees:
You may import bees, honeybee germ plasm, and beekeeping byproducts into the United States only in accordance with this part.
You may not import pollen derived from bee colonies and intended for use as bee feed into the United States.
You may not import used beekeeping equipment into the United States, unless that used beekeeping equipment either:
Will be used solely for indoor display purposes and will not come into contact with indigenous bees; or
Consists of bee boards that contain live brood of bees, other than honeybees, from a region listed in § 322.4(c).
New, unused beekeeping equipment is eligible for importation into the United States if it complies with all applicable regulations in this chapter.
(c) Movements not in compliance.
Any honeybees, honeybee germ plasm, bees other than honeybees, beekeeping byproducts, or used beekeeping equipment not in compliance with this part that are imported into the United States will be either:
Immediately exported from the United States by you at your expense; or
Destroyed by us at your expense.
Pending exportation or destruction, we will immediately apply any necessary safeguards to the bees, beekeeping byproducts, or used beekeeping equipment to prevent the introduction of bee diseases and parasites, and undesirable species and subspecies of honeybees into the United States.