(a) Packing materials.
The expression “packing material”, as used in § 319.69, includes any of the plants or plant products enumerated, when these are associated with or accompany any commodity or shipment to serve for filling, wrapping, ties, lining, mats, moisture retention, protection, or for any other purpose; and the word “packing”, as used in the expression “packing materials”, shall include the presence of such materials within, in contact with, or accompanying such commodity or shipment. 1
Code of Federal Regulations
1 Since it is the packing materials themselves which constitute the danger and not the manner of use, it is intended that the definition shall include their presence within or accompanying a shipment regardless of their function or relation to a shipment or the character of the shipment.
(b) Soil containing vegetable matter.
Soil containing an appreciable admixture of vegetable matter, here brought under quarantine only because its content of decaying vegetation or plant remains carries a definite pest risk, is to be distinguished from soil of purely mineral or earthy composition, which is not covered by this quarantine.
(c) Inspector.
An inspector of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.