The following plants and plant products, when used as packing materials, are prohibited entry into the United States from the countries and localities named:
Rice straw, hulls, and chaff; from all countries.
Corn and allied plants (maize, sorghum, broomcorn, Sudan grass, napier grass, jobs-tears, teosinte, Polytoca, Sclerachne, Chionachne); all parts, from all countries except Mexico, and the countries of Central America, the West Indies, and South America.
Cotton and cotton products (lint, waste, seed cotton, cottonseed, and cottonseed hulls); from all countries.
Sugarcane; all parts of the plant including bagasse, from all countries.
Bamboo; leaves and small shoots, from all countries.
Leaves of plants; from all countries.
Forest litter; from all countries.
Soil containing an appreciable admixture of vegetable matter, from all countries, except such types of soil or earth as are authorized as safe for packing by the rules and regulations promulgated supplemental to this quarantine.
Exceptions to the above prohibitions may be authorized in the case of specific materials which have been so prepared, manufactured, or processed that in the judgment of the inspector no pest risk is involved in their entry.
The following plants and plant products when used as packing materials will be permitted entry into the United States from the countries and localities designated below only in accordance with the regulations supplemental to this quarantine:
Cereal straw, hulls, and chaff (such as oats, barley, and rye) from all countries, except rice straw, hulls, and chaff, which are prohibited importation from all countries by paragraph (a)(1) of this section, and except wheat straw, hulls, and chaff, which are restricted importation by § 319.59 of this part from any country or locality listed in § 319.59-2 of this part.
Corn and allied plants (maize, sorghum, broomcorn, Sudan grass, napier grass, jobs-tears, teosinte, Polytoca, Sclerachne, Chionachne); all parts, from Mexico and the countries of Central America, the West Indies, and South America.
Grasses and hay and similar indefinite dried or cured masses of grasses, weeds, and herbaceous plants; from all countries.
Soil containing an appreciable admixture of vegetable matter, from all countries, which is authorized as safe for packing by the rules and regulations promulgated supplemental to this quarantine.
However, whenever the Deputy Administrator of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs shall find that existing conditions as to pest risk involved in the movement of the articles to which the regulations supplemental hereto apply, make it safe to modify by making less stringent, the restrictions contained in any of such regulations, he shall publish such findings in administrative instructions, specifying the manner in which the regulations shall be made less stringent, whereupon such modification shall become effective; or he may, when the public interests will permit, with respect to the importation of such articles into Guam, upon request in specific cases, authorize such importation under conditions, specified in the permit to carry out the purposes of this subpart, that are less stringent than those contained in the regulations.
This quarantine shall leave in full force and effect all other quarantines and orders.
As used in this subpart, unless the context otherwise requires, the term United States means the States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations
[24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 26 FR 9333, Oct. 4, 1961; 36 FR 24917, Dec. 24, 1971; 60 FR 27682, May 25, 1995; 63 FR 31102, June 8, 1998]