Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) may be imported into the continental United States from Israel only under the conditions described in this section. These conditions are designed to prevent the introduction of the following quarantine pests: Ceratitis capitata, Eutetranychus orientalis, Helicoverpa armigera, Nipaecoccus viridis, Scirtothrips dorsalis, and Spodoptera littoralis.
(a) Approved pest-exclusionary structures.
The eggplant must be grown in pest-exclusionary structures in approved production sites in the Arava Valley of Israel by growers registered with the Israeli national plant protection organization (NPPO). Initial approval of the production sites must be completed jointly by the Israeli NPPO and APHIS.
The pest-exclusionary structures must be equipped with double self-closing doors.
Any vents or openings in the pest-exclusionary structures (other than the double self-closing doors) must be covered with 1.6 mm or smaller screening in order to prevent the entry of pests into the pest-exclusionary structure.
The pest-exclusionary structures must be inspected periodically by the Israeli NPPO or its approved designee to ensure that sanitary procedures are employed to exclude plant pests and diseases and to verify that the screening is intact.
The pest-exclusionary structures also must be inspected monthly for the quarantine pests listed in the introductory text of this section by the Israeli NPPO or its approved designee, beginning 2 months before harvest and continuing for the duration of the harvest. APHIS must be granted access to inspect or monitor the pest-exclusionary structures during this period as well. If, during these inspections, any quarantine pests listed in the introductory text of this section are found inside a pest-exclusionary structure, the Israeli NPPO will immediately prohibit that pest-exclusionary structure from exporting eggplant to the continental United States and notify APHIS of the action. The prohibition will remain in effect until the Israeli NPPO and APHIS agree that the risk has been mitigated.
(b) Trapping for Medfly.
Trapping for Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly, Ceratitis capitata) is required both inside and outside the pest-exclusionary structures. Trapping must begin 2 months before harvest and continue for the duration of the harvest.
(1) Inside the pest-exclusionary structures.
APHIS-approved fruit fly traps with an approved protein bait must be placed inside the pest-exclusionary structures at a density of four traps per hectare, with a minimum of at least two traps per pest-exclusionary structure. The traps must be serviced at least once every 7 days. If a single Medfly is found in a trap inside a pest-exclusionary structure, the Israeli NPPO will immediately prohibit that pest-exclusionary structure from exporting eggplant to the continental United States and notify APHIS of the action. The prohibition will remain in effect until the Israeli NPPO and APHIS agree that the risk has been mitigated.
(2) Outside the pest-exclusionary structures.
No shade trees are permitted within 10 meters of the entry door of the pest-exclusionary structures, and no fruit fly host plants are permitted within 50 meters of the entry door of the pest-exclusionary structures. While trapping is being conducted, no fruit fly host material (such as fruit) may be brought into the pest-exclusionary structures or be discarded within 50 meters of the entry door of the pest-exclusionary structures.
A treatment jointly approved by the Israeli NPPO and APHIS must be applied for the duration of the eggplant harvest in the areas of the Arava Valley where fruit fly host material occurs in backyards.
Trapping for Medfly must be conducted by the Israeli NPPO or its approved designee throughout the year in the agricultural region along the Arava Highway 90 and in the residential area of Paran.
Trapping records must be kept and made available for APHIS review upon request.
(c) Packinghouse procedures.
The eggplant must be packed within 24 hours of harvest in a pest-exclusionary packinghouse. While packing the eggplant for export to the continental United States, the packinghouse may only accept eggplant from approved pest-exclusionary structures. No shade trees are permitted within 10 meters of the entry door of the packinghouse, and no fruit fly host plants are permitted within 50 meters of the entry door of the packinghouse. The eggplant must be safeguarded by a pest-proof screen or plastic tarpaulin while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing. Packinghouse procedures must include culling of any visibly damaged, overripe, or infested eggplant. The eggplant must be packed in either individual insect-proof cartons or boxes labeled with the specific place of origin or non-insect-proof cartons or boxes that are covered by insect-proof mesh or plastic tarpaulins. Covered non-insect-proof cartons or boxes must be placed in shipping containers that have identification labels indicating the specific place of origin. These safeguards must remain intact until the arrival of the eggplant in the continental United States or the consignment will not be allowed to enter the continental United States.
(d) Commercial consignments.
Eggplant from Israel may be imported in commercial consignments only.
(e) Phytosanitary certificate.
Each consignment of eggplant must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate of inspection issued by the Israeli NPPO with an additional declaration reading as follows: “The eggplant in this consignment has been grown in an approved production site and inspected and found free of the pests listed in 7 CFR 319.56-49.”
Code of Federal Regulations
[74 FR 26513, June 3, 2009]