Code of Federal Regulations
1 The articles hereby exempted remain subject to applicable restrictions under other quarantines and other provisions of this subpart.
The following articles are exempt from the certification and permit requirements of this subpart if they meet the applicable conditions prescribed in paragraphs (a) (1) through (4) of this section and have not been exposed to infestation after cleaning or other handling as prescribed in said paragraphs:
Small grains, if harvested in bulk or directly into approved containers, and if the small grains and containers thereof have not come into contact with the soil; or, if they have been cleaned to meet State seed sales requirements.
Soybeans (other than for seed), if harvested in bulk or directly into approved containers, and if the soybeans and containers thereof have not come into contact with the soil.
Unshucked ear corn, if harvested in bulk or directly into approved containers, and if the corn and containers thereof have not come into contact with the soil.
Used farm tools, if cleaned free of soil.
The following articles are exempt from the certification and permit requirements of this subpart if they meet the applicable conditions prescribed in paragraphs (b) (1) through (3) of this section and have not been exposed to infestation after cleaning or other handling as prescribed in said paragraphs: Provided, That this exemption shall not apply to any class of regulated articles specified by an inspector in a written notification to the owner or person in possession of the premises that the movement of such articles from such premises under this exemption would involve a hazard of spread of the golden nematode:
Root crops (other than Irish potatoes and sugar beets), if moved in approved containers.
Hay, straw, fodder, and plant litter, if moved in approved containers.
Containers of the following types are approved for the purposes of this section:
New paper bags; and consumer packages of any material except cloth or burlap.
Crates, pallet boxes, trucks, and boxcars, if free of soil.
Code of Federal Regulations
[35 FR 4692, Mar. 18, 1970, as amended at 47 FR 12331, Mar. 23, 1982; 67 FR 8465, Feb. 25, 2002]