(a) Additional conditions for issuance of a certificate; any regulated article.
In addition to the general conditions for issuance of a certificate contained in § 301.76-5(a), an inspector or person operating under a compliance agreement may issue a certificate for the interstate movement of any regulated article to any State if:
The article is treated with methyl bromide in accordance with 7 CFR part 305 of this chapter.
The article is shipped in a container that has been sealed with an agricultural seal placed by an inspector.
The container that will be moved interstate is clearly labeled with the certificate.
A copy of the certificate will be attached to the consignee's copy of the accompanying waybill.
(b) Additional conditions for issuance of a limited permit; regulated nursery stock.
In addition to the general conditions for issuance of a limited permit contained in § 301.76-5(b), an inspector or person operating under a compliance agreement may issue a limited permit for the interstate movement of regulated nursery stock to areas of the United States other than American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and those portions of Arizona, California, and South Carolina not quarantined due to the presence of Asian citrus psyllid or citrus greening, if:
The nursery stock is treated for ACP with an APHIS-approved soil drench or in-ground granular application no more than 30 days and no fewer than 20 days before shipment, followed by an APHIS-approved foliar spray no more 10 days before shipment. All treatments must be applied according to their EPA label, including directions on application, restrictions on place of application and other restrictions, and precautions, and including statements pertaining to Worker Protection Standards.
The nursery stock is inspected by an inspector in accordance with § 301.76-9 and found free of Asian citrus psyllid.
The nursery stock is affixed prior to movement with a plastic or metal tag on which the statement “Limited permit: USDA-APHIS-PPQ. Not for distribution in American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, or those portions of AZ, CA and SC not quarantined due to the presence of Asian citrus psyllid or citrus greening” is prominently and legibly displayed. If the nursery stock is destined for movement or sale in boxes or containers, the statement may be printed on the box or container, or printed on a label permanently affixed to the box or container, provided that, in either case, the statement is prominently and legibly displayed.
The nursery stock is moved in a container sealed with an agricultural seal placed by an inspector.
This container prominently and legibly displays the statement of paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
A copy of the limited permit is attached to the consignee's copy of the accompanying waybill.
The nursery stock is moved in accordance with the conditions specified on the limited permit to the location specified on the permit.
(c) Additional conditions for issuance of a limited permit; regulated articles intended for consumption, as apparel or as a similar personal accessory, or for other decorative use.
3 /> In addition to the general conditions for issuance of a limited permit contained in § 301.76-5(b), an inspector or person operating under a compliance agreement may issue a limited permit for the interstate movement of regulated articles intended for consumption, as apparel or as a similar personal accessory, or for other decorative use if:
Code of Federal Regulations
3 Examples of such articles include Bergera (=Murraya) koenigii leaves, as well as Murraya paniculata flowers or foliage.
The articles are treated with irradiation in accordance with 7 CFR part 305 of this chapter at an irradiation facility that is not located in an area quarantined for citrus greening.
The container that will be used to move the articles interstate is clearly labeled with the limited permit, which must contain the name of the State or portion of a State where the articles were produced and a statement that the articles were treated in accordance with 7 CFR part 305 of this chapter.
A copy of the limited permit is attached to the consignee's copy of the accompanying waybill.