ACC coverage. The crop insurance coverage against Asiatic citrus canker (ACC) provided under the Florida Fruit Tree Pilot Crop Insurance Program authorized by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
Administrator. The Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service or any individual authorized to act for the Administrator.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Budded citrus nursery stock. Liners or rootstock citrus plants that have been grafted with a portion of a stem or branch with a vegetative bud (also known as budwood) that are maintained 1 month after grafting or until the plant reaches marketability.
Budded container/greenhouse grown citrus plants. Individual, budded citrus nursery stock maintained in climate-controlled greenhouses in 4-or 6-inch diameter pots until it is sold for commercial use.
Budded field grown citrus plants. Individual, budded citrus nursery stock maintained in the fields until it is sold for commercial use.
Certificate. An official stamp, form, or other document of the United States Department of Agriculture authorizing the interstate movement of a regulated article from a quarantined area into any area of the United States.
Certified citrus nursery stock. Citrus nursery stock, such as trees or plants, grown at a nursery that is in compliance with State certification requirements and approved for producing citrus nursery stock for commercial sale.
Citrus canker. A plant disease caused by strains of the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri.
Commercial citrus grove. An establishment maintained for the primary purpose of producing citrus fruit for commercial sale.
Commercial citrus nursery. An establishment engaged in, but not limited to, the production of certified citrus nursery stock, including plants for planting or replanting in commercial groves or for wholesale or retail sales.
Commercial citrus-producing area. Any area designated as a commercial citrus-producing area in accordance with § 301.75-5 of this subpart.
Commercial packinghouse. An establishment in which space and equipment are maintained for the primary purpose of disinfecting and packing citrus fruit for commercial sale. A commercial packinghouse must also be licensed, registered, or certified for handling citrus fruit with the State in which it operates and meet all the requirements for the license, registration, or certification that it holds.
Compliance agreement. A written agreement between the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and a person engaged in the business of growing or handling regulated articles for interstate movement, in which the person pledges to comply with this subpart.
Departmental permit. An official document of the United States Department of Agriculture authorizing the movement of a regulated article from a quarantined area.
Departmental tag or label. An official tag or label of the United States Department of Agriculture, which, attached to a regulated article or its container, indicates that the regulated article is eligible for interstate movement with a Departmental permit.
Exposed. Determined by an inspector to be at risk for developing citrus canker because of proximity during the past 2 years to infected plants, or to personnel, vehicles, equipment, or other articles that may have been contaminated with bacteria that cause citrus canker.
Grove. Any tree or stand of trees maintained to produce fruit and separated from other trees by a boundary, such as a fence, stream, road, canal, irrigation ditch, hedgerow, open space, or sign or marker denoting change of fruit variety.
Infected. Containing bacteria that cause citrus canker.
Infestation. The presence of a plant or plants infected with citrus canker at a particular location, except when the plant or plants contracted the infection at a previous location and the infection has not spread to any other plant at the present location.
Inspector. An individual authorized by the Administrator to perform the specified duties.
Interstate. From any State into or through any other State.
Limited permit. An official stamp, form, or other document of the United States Department of Agriculture authorizing the interstate movement of a regulated article from a quarantined area, but restricting the areas of the United States into which the regulated article may be moved.
Liner or rootstock. Culled seedlings in the growing stage prior to the budding process.
Lot. The inspectional unit for fruit composed of a single variety of fruit that has passed through the entire packing process in a single continuous run not to exceed a single workday (i.e., a run started one day and completed the next is considered two lots).
Move. Ship, carry, transport, offer for shipment, receive for shipment, or allow to be transported by any means.
Movement. The act of shipping, carrying, transporting, offering for shipment, receiving for shipment, or allowing to be transported by any means.
Nursery. Any premises, including greenhouses but excluding any grove, at which nursery stock is grown or maintained.
Nursery stock. Living plants and plant parts intended to be planted, to remain planted, or to be replanted.
Person. Any individual, partnership, corporation, company, society, association, or other organized group.
Public order. Either an “Agreement to Destroy and Covenant Not to Sue” signed by the grove owner and the Florida Department of Food and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry (DPI), or an “Immediate Final Order” issued by DPI, both of which identify citrus trees infected with or exposed to citrus canker and order their destruction.
Quarantined area. Any area designated as a quarantined area in accordance with § 301.75-4 of this subpart.
Regulated article. Any article listed in § 301.75-3 (a) or (b) of this subpart or designated as a regulated article in accordance with § 301.75-3(c) of this subpart.
Regulated fruit, regulated nursery stock, regulated plant, regulated seed, regulated tree. Any fruit, nursery stock, plant, seed, or tree defined as a regulated article.
Seedlings. Certified citrus seeds densely planted in seed beds and allowed to germinate and grow until their viability as liners or rootstock can be assessed.
State. Each of the 50 States of the United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and all other territories and possessions of the United States.
United States. All of the States, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and all other territories and possessions of the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations
[55 FR 37450, Sept. 11, 1990, as amended at 61 FR 1521, Jan. 22, 1996; 65 FR 61080, Oct. 16, 2000; 66 FR 32717, June 18, 2001; 71 FR 33172, June 8, 2006; 72 FR 13427, Mar. 22, 2007; 72 FR 65203, Nov. 19, 2007; 74 FR 54444, Oct. 22, 2009]