No group divisions are established for any of the types in Class 7. Notwithstanding the definitions of “Class,” “Type,” “Type 11,” “Type 12,” “Type 13,” and “Type 14,” any tobacco having the general visual characteristics of quality, color and length of the types and groups contained in Class 1, flue-cured tobacco, but which is a strain or variety found in its cured state by an authorized representative of the Department to have a nicotine content of not more than eight-tenths of one per cent ( 8/10 of 1%), oven dry weight, shall be designated upon certification by the Department as Class 7: Provided, That for the purpose of establishing and maintaining the identity of such tobacco, it shall not be sold or offered for sale through customary marketing channels for Class 1, flue-cured tobacco; and it shall be identified in accordance with instructions issued by the Tobacco Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, covering certification of seed or seedlings, contracts for production, designation and demarcation of fields in which grown, maintenance of separate identity of such tobacco from other tobacco, furnishing of samples and furnishing of such information as may be requested relating to production, stocks, and disposition of such tobacco. For tobacco stocks reporting purposes, all miscellaneous domestic tobacco shall be designated as follows:
(a) Type 72.
That type of tobacco commonly known as Louisiana Perique, or Perique, produced principally in St. James Parish located in southeastern Louisiana.
(b) Type 73.
All domestic-grown tobacco not otherwise classified, including tobacco cured in the same manner as Class 1, flue-cured tobacco, but having a nicotine content of not more than eight-tenths of one percent ( 8/10 of 1%), oven dry weight. Also included in the miscellaneous types are such types as Ohio Flue-cured and Fire-cured (known as Eastern Ohio), Upper Country Maryland, California, Turkish, and Virginia One-sucker, and the production of the insular possessions of the United States not otherwise classified.