Similar issues involved in appeals by two or more State agencies may be consolidated upon motion by the State agencies, FNS, or at the discretion of the ALJ if it is decided that consolidation would help to promote administrative efficiency.
(a) Disposition of consolidated issues.
If the ALJ orders consolidation, the issues consolidated will be considered first. If a hearing has been requested by any of the parties that have had issues consolidated, arguments on the consolidated issues will be heard before arguments on dissimilar issues. The ALJ will take the information into consideration along with arguments on other issues in preparing initial decisions for QC appeals in which some issues have been consolidated.
(b) Initial decision.
If the ALJ decides the evidence and arguments by the State agencies on the consolidated issues cannot be overcome by the evidence presented by FNS and are sufficient to grant the relief requested by a State agency or all State agencies in which the issue is involved, the ALJ shall prepare an initial decision as provided in § 283.17(c).
FNS may file a motion for reconsideration pursuant to § 283.17(d) or seek review by the Judicial Officer in accordance with § 283.20.